RE: Invisible disease? I see **YOU**

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Invisible disease? I see **YOU**

in health •  7 years ago 

Beautiful post. I don't think it's a disease in the normal sense either. Everyone has good and also bad days, but sometimes the bad ones last a little longer. Being inclusive is important, making someone feel worse about themselves will only make them do exactly that... Feel worse.

Everyone is a person, and more people need to learn to care for one another—especially with how easily everyone is connected together through technology. Even people such as myself who are curently working on things, just because of a "condition" a "label" I shouldn't have to limit how much I can enjoy my life.

I see you too! 💗

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Exactly! I had to remind my friend that this was not something she needs to feel tethered to.

I see everyone for who they fundamentally are! Spread the love!

A little reminder once in a while never hurts. Going through a struggle or not, everyone has worries.

People have more depth than we can imagine ourselves. Ironically, we are all people. There's always enough love to go around!~