Hemp, The New Healer?

in health •  7 years ago 

At one time Hemp was used for rope, paper, textiles, animal feed and so much more. Most people when hearing hemp, right away think of marajuana and getting high. Industrial hemp, although cannabis, hasn't the higher concentrations of THC, which stands for tetrahydrocannabinol, the active ingredient which causes the high.  Hemp has had a bad stigma attached to it for many years... until now. Hemp is being recognized for its medicinal properties now, everything from pain relief to curing some cancers. 

Hemp salves, oils and ointments are being sold the world over now, and is legal in most countries. Its popularity is increasing and there are many companies offering business opportunities to people as distributers, and also as agents or go betweens, where all these people have to do is spread the word, and these companies do everything else, such as proceesing and shipping orders.

Some of the many uses of the new Hemp Products

Medicinal hemp is made from organically grown hemp without the use of herbicides and non organic fertilizers, keeping it pure and chemical free, strictly regulated to make sure everything is on the up and up. Distribution is being sdone throughout Canada and the USA and the profits being made are increasing daily. 

With the legalization of marajauna in many States and soon to be Canada wide, people are recognizing it as a healer more than a drug that hippies from the 70's and todays kids use for recreational purposes.  The stock market has gone crazy with new companies springing up and selling shares. 

As with any new thing on the market making promises, the skeptics come out and try to tear down what could be of value, and try as the skeptics may, the results are speaking for themselves. Many people are showering praise on these new products, because they say they work, and are inmproving their quality of life.

 I know for a fact one person who has a great improvement in her quality of life, my own wife of 39 years. After two back surgeries, and having both hips replaced, she was in constant pain. Of course she was prescribed pain medications, but found they made her fuzzy headed, didn't do much to relive her pain, and was worried they could become an addiction. So she suffered through her pain without taking them. Once she discovered the new hemp products, she decided to give them a try. She now has little to no pain most days, and has much more mobility than she had several years ago. 

One of the many new companies that have started up and are distributing hemp products. They are up and coming, and also are offering opportunities for those that want to have their own business. 

If you are one of many who suffer with pain and don't want the problems with prescription drugs that have the risk of addiction,or a moptivated indivdual who wants to start something of their own, you can check their site out here: CFTO 

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