in health •  6 years ago 


While most people throw them away, papaya seeds are not only edible, small amount of them in your diet can be very surprisingly good for you.
After carrying out several research and tests, here are some powerful health benefits of papaya seeds.

• Papaya seeds are used to get rid of worms and other parasitic infections
Like the green papaya, the seeds of papaya fruits contains high level of the proteolytic enzyme papain, which can help rid your body of parasites such as intestine worms.in the same way the papain breaks down undigested protein waste from your food, it can also dissolved the protective biofilm and fibrin that covers parasites and particularly their eggs on the wall of your lower intestine. Also good levels of digestive enzymes in your diet can help to improve and normalize your intestine ecology making it much less hospitable to worms and other parasites and much harder for them to breed


• Papaya seeds are used for the treatment of liver cirrhosis.
Liver cirrhosis is a disease usually caused by excessive alcohol consumption over many years, wherein the liver shrinks and becomes hardened.in this condition it is ineffective at removing toxins from the body, leading to a variety of serious health problems. Papaya seeds are often used as natural treatment for liver cirrhosis and over detoxification of the liver.
The best method is to grind up around ten dried seeds in a pepper grinder, or crush up fresh ones in a mortar and pestle and mix them with a tablespoon of squeezed lemon or lime juice in a glass of water.
Alternatively take a ¼ of a teaspoon of powdered organic papaya seed as an effective replacement option if you don’t have fresh papaya seed available.
Drink this papaya seed liver treatment down twice a day for a month.


• Papaya seed are used for treating kidneys diseases.
Oxidative stress in common culprit in chronic kidney disease, particularly in patients with diabetes and can lead to renal failure wherein the kidneys can no longer properly filter metabolic waste from the blood.
• Papain which is obtained from papaya seeds are used to cure cancer.
With the capability to break down proteins, papain shows promise as a way to destroy the tough protective coating surrounding most cancer cells. Once papain removes the tough coating covering cancer cells, protein can attack the cancer to inhibit or prevent growth. One ounce of papaya seeds produces 144% of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin c moreover fiber within the pulp of papaya contains about seven grams for every serving. The high vitamin C and beta carotene count makes papaya seeds ideal for a regular cleaning program.

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• Papaya seeds is a good source of vitamin C which is used to treat heart diseases.
Recommended daily allowances of vitamin C do a great job of protecting the arteries surrounding the heart against damage. The result is a lower risk of heart attacks and other heart ailments caused by blocked vein and arteries. As a rich source of vitamin C, papaya might decrease damage caused by free radicals, as well as prevent the oxidation of bad cholesterol. A reduction in oxidation of bad cholesterol reduces the chance of blood clogging plaques around artery walls.


• Papaya seeds help control asthma
Beta carotene rich papaya seeds help control and in some cases reduce the risk of contracting asthma. Papaya seed also possess high levels of vitamin A which has the ability to reduce the inflamed airways of children



• Taking direct aim at arthritis.
A research study revealed that people who have below average daily blood absorption rates of vitamin C are at least a three times great risk for developing the painful multiple joint condition called polyarthritis. Although a diet rich with fruits and vegetables offers enough vitamin C to stave off standard cases of arthritis, for severe cases such as polyarthritis papaya seeds can offer the average amount of vitamin C to mitigate painful symptoms.
Vitamin C also prevent other types of inflammatory medical conditions such as gout. Powerful vitamin C also reduces the presence of the C-reactive protein which is a frequently found marker of inflammation


  1. Pregnant women should not use papaya seeds or the enzymes rich green papaya powder. This warning also extend to mothers who are breastfeeding.
  2. In addition while papaya seeds do have strong anti-parasitic properties, they may be too powerful for young children’s gastrointestinal tracts, so a doctor should be consulted before giving them to infants.
  3. Patients using blood thinning medications like warfarin or aspirin should consult their doctor before they eat papaya seeds regularly as papain may increase the actions of these drugs.

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