in health •  8 years ago 

We all know its very important to our lives how to do proper hand washing. . . Lots of benefits to us. it prevents the transmission of microorganism to one onother. I'll give you some tips of how to perform Proper technique of hand washing :)

  1. Assess hands for cuts and breaks contaminated in the skin and areas that are heavily.
  2. remove jewerlies and wristwatch ( if you have)
  3. Do not touch any part of the sink.
  4. open the faucet and adjust the flow of water
  5. wet hands and lower forearm under running water. Keep hands in downward position
  6. get the soap and lather thoroughly.
  7. while holding the soap with one hand, use our other hand in rubbing all areas of your hand.
  8. Rinse the soap and return it on the soap dish without touching any part of the dish.
  9. with hands in downward position, rinse starting from the wrist to fingers.
  10. get a paper towel and dry your hands starting from the fingers to forearms
  11. close the faucet using the paper towel!
  12. discard the paper towel!.
  • i hope i can help you about proper hand washing. . This ia health concers :)
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