"All Dis-eases Begin In The Gut" -HIPPOCRATES-

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


Hello, Lovely beings! :) I am learning more and more about the digestive system and just how important it really is. In other words, The digestive system is also known as the second brain! If our second brain is down, not functioning properly then it devastates our central brain and even our whole body! Our digestive system is designed to adsorb nutrients from whatever foods we eat. The body naturally knows what to do, but if our digestive system is damaged then a domino effect occurs with our other body organs, leading to mal-absorption even if you are eating a healthy, plant-based diet. The gut must maintain a healthy microbiome, meaning good bacteria must reside to protect and allow proper function of the digestive system. 


Genetic Diseases Are Not Completely True.....

For instance, If you or your family members have adopted a poor, fast-food, fried, and processed diet then it ruins the digestive systems microbiome and leads to many dis-eases in the body. Also, many times, especially now, Kids born with dis-ease after birth or develop dis-eases at a young age, it is because the mother ate toxic, processed foods during pregnancy and was exposed to toxic fumes, vaccines, environmental pollution, over the counter medicines prescribed by doctors, cosmetic products, un-natural creams and lotions, the list goes on. Doctors are calling  diabetes,mental illnesses, ADHD/ADD, some cancers, etc. genetic diseases..... That is not completely true. Anyone can get back to health and overcome dis-ease if they are willing to change the way their parents and society taught them what to eat. You can  reverse this so called genetic disease in your family bloodline. The kids that develop dis-eases at young ages is also because of their poor diet that the parents are giving their children. The generation of families that keep following in the footsteps of their previous loved ones who ate highly processed foods affects the future generations, and so yes, that is why I say genetic diseases are not completely true, just somewhat, because if you take action now you can improve your family's disposition in having healthier generations in the future thus proving genetic diseases wrong and that there is a way to reverse further genetic diseases down the line. 


Digestive Health Is Extremely Important......

So, You see the digestive system is super important for our overall health. Adopting a more plant-based diet with organic, fresh fruits, herbs, and vegetables will help your digestive microbiome flourish and heal itself. We need bacteria, we do not need antibiotics, it is absurd how much people are ingesting all these crazy pharmaceutical pills now a days. It is leading to more nasty inflammation in the gut, because it is killing all bacteria necessary for healthy body function. Our immune system is apart of our digestive system, so if our microbiome is down then our immune system is weak. When our immune system and digestive system is not strong and functioning properly that allows for other unwanted bacteria, parasites, and candida growth to flourish and lead to chronic dis-eases such as diabetes, fibromyalgia, heart disease, obesity, and so on.....

*Information below is not mine, I copy and pasted for you, I got it from this website:  https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/all-disease-begins-in-the-gut-hippocrates_us_58f9ed4ee4b086ce58980fc3*

04/21/2017 05:32 pm ET

"—- This is an excerpt from Go With Your Gut —- 

 Unfortunately, the majority of the population has inadequate beneficial (good) bacteria, excessive damaging (bad) bacteria, and a lack of bacterial diversity. Largely because of a poor diet, but also because of:

And this is ultimately leading to unbalanced gut flora (dysbiosis), and an increased susceptibility to intestinal permeability (leaky gut). Since the same things that destroy our gut flora, can compromise our gut barrier; while the fungal infections and bad bacteria that prosper instead, can do the same. "

If You Don't Believe What You Just Read And Are Angry.....

It is okay to feel confused, and uncertain. They did not teach us about this at school, nor did they want to... Sickness = profit and optimal Health = no profit. The Pharmaceutical companies only want your money and do not have your best interest at heart. It is not your fault, you listened to the so called professional doctors, and to my knowledge yes the doctors might also be clueless about what they are even giving people to be healthy, but you only listened to what your parents said, doctors said, government said, and give yourself some time to think about this message here. I believe you do want to change by still reading this, there is something that made you read this now, And I am happy to tell you that you are not a bad parent, nor a bad person for feeding your children, family, and yourself unhealthy foods. You are here to take back your power and make better choices now. This is hope to your health and future. So heal your gut and you will see for yourself how much your life will change for the sake of your health, your kid's health, and your family's health. Be the change you wish to see, and others will follow your light and guidance. Make one change at a time, and incorporate more fresh veggies and fruits. There is much information on the web, but I will also be posting more awesome content on here that will lead you in the right direction. I also have many other posts on here that you would love to read if you enjoyed this! :) Make sure to upvote and comment on each one! and please share this with someone you love and care about!

Thank you for your support and I appreciate you. I love you! Be the change you wish to see! Love yourself and be kind to each other. Talk to yo next time... Peace! :)

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