You should not drink tea on an empty stomach.

in health •  7 years ago 

India has a big number of chai(Tea) lovers. Most of the Tea lovers can't wake up without having a cup of tea and usually are into habit of taking 4-5 cups of tea everyday to feel energetic. (May be more than this in some cases)

Tea has caffeine which is a stimulant, gives you a booster so you feel energised for some time & then again start feeling tired so you take another cup of tea to reboost.

If you consume too much tea you may experience negative effects:

difficulty in sleeping



increase heart rate




24296577_296696784176762_5464297036668681453_n.jpg A cup of tea may be taken after 2 hours of rising from bed that too after taking 2-3 glasses of water and 15-20 minutes of walk.

Tips :

  1. Start your day with a fruit rather than tea. (Can have a cup of green tea in breakfast)
  2. When you are having tea allow it to cool down. (very hot tea may increase your risk of developing esophagal cancer )
  3. Take small frequent meals to boost up your energy.
  4. Avoid heavy meals.
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thnx, i will take this advice onboard.

ill follow u now

Thank you so much :)