Sunscape's Crystal of the day ... RHODONITE Crystals open the heart to share love & compassion with others

in health •  8 years ago  (edited)

Crystal of the Day

Rhodonite crystals are a Pink Ray spectrum stone found mainly in Madagascar. The pink ray mainly influences ones heart center to expand and share ones expression of the souls essence with others.

Rhodonites gift to us, as it opens up the Heart Chakras energy center, is to help us to share more love with the world around us. Instead of focusing upon who can love us, the stone encourages one to share their love outwardly towards humanity. We are all here journeying together and Rhodonite enhances ones energy body with loving, compassionate vibes.

This generosity of heart towards others is what humanity needs. As you share your love and compassion with others the universe in turn responds to the energy you are putting out. The loving vibes then return to you full circle, thus continuing to expand your own heart in an ever increasing way.

Rhodonite Affirmation

Meditating while holding a Rhodonite crystal stone is a wonderful way to discover some of those hidden talents that you may not have realized yet. There are so many layers of multidimensionality to a persons essence yet to be realized. Discovering some of those gifts can happen when you choose to work with this crystal companion.

These crystals can help to bring these skills to your awareness so you can begin to share them in service to others. The energetic signature that you put forth as you desire to share your gifts with others, will in turn attract those who are ready to recieve your unique talents.

Sleeping with Rhodonite under your pillow is a great way to discover your souls desire for your life. You can expect your dream state to reveal messages from your sub-conscious mind to bring clarity and understanding to the forefront, so you may know your lifes purpose.

On a physical note, the stones energetic properties work well with supporting ones weight loss regime. They help to detox and purify the bodies systems to function more efficiently, in turn assisting ones metabolism. It is considered a heart healthy stone in the metaphysical community. It opens up and boosts the flow of Chi in the body.

One of the sweetest attributes of working with Rhodonite is the emotional support it offers. If you tend to deal with self asteem issues, this heart stone will surround you with a blanket of worthiness. It may be subtle at first, but as you continue to work with Rhodonite you will tune in more astutely to the loving vibes it shares with you.

Isn't it wonderful that the Universe and Mother Nature have given so many powerful gemstones to assist and inspires you on your journey to greater awareness.

If your looking to purchase Rhodonite you can visit my Etsy store at the link below and also find a huge variety of crystals to delight all your needs.

Thank you for stopping by, I hope you enjoyed today's crystal post.

Until next time, this is Sunscape
Sun. Scape. Ing your day

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This is a first in a series of crystal of the day posts. I hope you enjoy learning about the attributes that crystals offer to humanity.

I really like this. I hope you keep this up although it is not doing well yet. This is great reference material and research. Personally, I really like this stuff.

In a few days I will be launching my tarot system. There are stones that correlate with the cards. I'd love to follow and support one another.

Thank you for the support and I am delighted to follow you back. I have been thinking of doing a daily card as well. Now we can tag team. love the connection and I know we will both do wonderfully here. Namaste

Wow! Those stones are awesome.

Thank you, I love my crystals. Will be posting regularly about different ones. Glad you enjoyed the post.