Benefits and Usefulness of Honey

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

Hello All.......


Benefits and Usefulness of Honey



Cleaning mucus or fluid in the respiratory tract, especially the lungs (very good for people with colds and coughs) Prevent parasites and cleanse toxins, even prevent bleeding in the digestive tract. Relieve breathing in the area of ​​bronchitis, very good for people with colds Make you a bit fat, but it has nothing to do with the increase of body fat. It's just a process of honey cleaning the body. After a while, your body will shrink again. Boost the immune system against diseases because it is antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal Helps remove toxins in the body especially in the digestive system such as stomach, intestines and others.


Manfaat dan Kegunaan MADU



Membersihkan lendir atau cairan di saluran pernapasan, terutama paru-paru (sangat baik untuk penderita pilek dan batuk) Mencegah parasit dan membersihkan racun, bahkan mencegah pendarahan di saluran pencernaan.Meringankan pernapasan di area bronkitis, sangat baik untuk penderita pilek Membuatmu agak gemuk, tapi tidak ada hubungannya dengan bertambahnya lemak tubuh.Ini hanya proses madu membersihkan tubuh.Setelah beberapa saat, tubuhmu akan mengecil lagi.Meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh terhadap penyakit karena bersifat antibakteri, antivirus dan antijamur Membantu mengeluarkan racun tubuh terutama di bagian sistem pencernaan seperti lambung, usus dan lainnya.


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helpful post, follback

Sangat manfaat untuk kesehatan kita 👍👍👍