in health •  6 years ago 


Experts and advertising messages bomb us with messages that are consisted of the following words “ improvement of immunity system, fighting with flu, refresh Your body,…etc. then the most unique solution, revolutionary, new standard,…


I’m sure that there is huge choice of good and excellent products that can be used for certain situation…I’m simply wondering that the fact, that is for centuries known everywhere, is neglected here and that is the topic of Electromagnetic radiation.

I will note few conclusions here, that can also be checked on Internet about the harmfulness of electromagnetic radiation and what EMR is doing in our body. These facts can be checked on Internet for harmful electromagnetic radiation, Underground water flows, Hartman net, Carry grid, Substations, transmitters, mobile phones antennas, or other similar devices.



Radiation affects and initiates:

  1. Tumors and cancers...
  2. Highers up the potential of getting brain attack...
  3. Affects and highers up the potential for getting heart attack...
  4. Affect infertility ( especially when mobile phone is carried in the pant’s pocket )...
  5. Affect neurological problems...
  6. Affect and initiate multiplex sclerosis...

And much more...

When You buy to your kid a mobile phone, tablet or computer think well, whether is more useful or harmful ?

Of course there are many protectors from harmful electromagnetic radiation but PXDS’s are proved, certificated and checked on people and have more then 100000 users all around the world. Our people say: “ It is better to prevent then cure !”

Source: PXDS


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Thanks Sir for these article, very useful and improve knowledge reader about healty.


It is incredible that there are so many technological devices that although we think they are helping us actually can harm our health without noticing! Thank you for this information :)
