Benefits of eating mango

in health •  7 years ago 

Logopit_1518782358106.jpg Mango Nutritional Value

Every 100 grams of calories contain calories 70 kilograms of carbohydrate 17 grams of protein, 0.5 grams of fat, 0.27 grams of food grains, 1.80 grams, 14 μg niacin 0.584 milligrams, phenolanthic acid 0.160 milligram paradoxin (Vitamin "B6") 0.134 Miligram riboflavin 0.057 milligram thiamin 0.058 milligram Vitamin C "27.7 mg vitamin A" 765 IU Vitamin "E" 1.12 mg vitamin K "4.2" Icrogram sodium 2 mg potassium 156 milligrams calcium 10 mg copper / copper 0.110 mg iron / iron 0.13 mg magnesium 9 mg manganese 0.027 mg zinc / zinc 0.04 mg beta-carotene 445 microgram alpha-carotene 17 microgram capacitance -Jijestin 11 microgram.

Mango Health Benefits

Cancer prevention

Mango plays an important role in preventing cancer. Researchers say that because of me being antioxidant and high amount of food fiber, it helps to prevent colon cancer, breast cancer, bleeding, leukemia and prostate cancer. Also carotene, iso-carotene, estroglyn, phytetine, gallic acid etc. help in preventing enzymes.

Bone formation

I have calcium, which makes the bones well structured. Mango helps many to maintain bones and tooth decay. So mango needs a lot to eat for each person. It has bone and teeth healthy.

Power increase

I have a lot of carbohydrate, which helps in giving energy. However, for moderate amounts of diabetic patients, the amount of sugar in the body of the mother remains healthy, but it is harmful to eat additional mango.

Lowering cholesterol levels

High levels of Vitamin 'C' help in reducing the harmful levels of pancetin and fiber cholesterol. Fresh mangoes are very good sources of potassium for body fluid and essential compounds for cells. Which helps control hypertension and heart rate. Sodium is released from the body due to sweating. Raw body can fill the sodium deficiency in the body. Kachiyam paktin is very beneficial in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases.

To keep skin clean and maintain youth

Vitamin C helps in the production of collagen, which results in skin tone and tension. I have a lot of vitamin 'E' which is extremely beneficial for skin and hair. Besides, the mucus helps to clean the skin's liqueur, which can remove acne and other skin problems. Mango also helps to shine the skin and protects the skin from harmful effects of sunlight violet.

Reduce weight

I have many vitamins and nutrients. Fiber help in the digestion process helps in eradicating excess body fat. Besides, mango consumption reduces appetite and control cholesterol and glucose levels.

Heart protection

Because of high fiber and antioxidant, it significantly reduces the chances of heart disease and its existing potassium helps in reducing blood loss and keeping the heart active.

Under the control of diabetes

Only mango leaves are quite beneficial. If those who have diabetes wash 5-6 ml leaves and boil them in a vessel and drink it in the morning and drink it in the morning, it helps in regulating insulin levels. Besides, if the amor glycemic index (41-60) is low, it will not be too much if sugar is eaten more often.

Scurvy prevention

Vitamin C is available from mango. Vitamin 'C' scurvy helps prevent disease. Vitamin 'C' also helps protect teeth, gums, skin and bone health.

Raise attention and memory

This is a high level of glutamine acid called proteins which play a significant role in increasing concentration and memory. Kids should eat mangoes of unhealthy studies.

To prevent constipation

High-fiberal ammunition is very beneficial for health. It is very effective for good digestion and constipation resistance. So those who have digestion problems, they will get many benefits while eating mango.

Hormone control

Mama has a great quality and it is called 'profit fruit'. Puru it

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Good to know that in addition to delicious the mango is also so healthy.

thanks bro.

@tauhid In Venezuela we eat lots of mangoes, we have many varities I love them we are waiting for the fruit to be ripen