What do Chemtrails have to do with Morgellans Disease, Nano Particles and Smart Dust?

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

A few months ago I was sitting on my deck when suddenly I felt a sharp sting on my leg, almost like an electrical shock. Shortly after, I felt the same thing down my leg. Almost immediately after, bumps starting popping up all over on my leg. I though maybe it was a spider bite as we have the huge cane spiders here on the island and they tend to be more abundant this time of year. By the next day, the area where the bumps were and all around them turned a bright red. A friend was over visiting and I showed it to him. He advised me that it look like a centipede bite. I started treating it with cannabis tinctures and oils. This will normally heal just about anything. As the days went on, the areas itched so much that I couldn't help but scratch constantly. The scratching caused it to bleed and become scabbed. After about two months I was seeing some improvement but still not healing and the bumps kept getting bigger instead of going down. I then tried antibiotic cream and still no visible or physical results. A couple of weeks ago I met a beautiful lady that saw it and asked me if I had heard of Morgellans disease. She advised me that she was treating 2 people on the Big Island that had the disease. She pulled out a spray bottle and sprayed my leg with her serum. The itching stopped immediately. She also handed me a small bottle of it to take home with me. She explained to me what the disease was, so as soon as I got home, I started doing my research. Wow, I was totally shocked.

Also, after checking the areas under microscope, I have determined that what I have is most likely a centipede bite, but that I was given this information to be more knowable in helping people all over the world in treating and curing this deadly life threatening disease which is not a disease at all, it is nanos most likely released in the air by chem trails.

Unfortunately I did not get photos when my leg was the worst but this photo after just a few treatments with the serum.

First Day


Second Day


I decided this was information every human needs to know about. I have put together a series of videos that you should watch to educate yourself, your family and friends.

Smart Dust and Morgellons explained

Truth Seeker
Published on Mar 31, 2017

ODD TV explains What Smart Dust and Morgellons is.
Original video

Morgellons & Smart Dust Infect Individuals to be Tracked via Satellite

Published on Aug 27, 2015
Excerpt of Bases Lecture given by Harald Kautz Vella regarding the latest findings of what the Chemtrail program is delivering to the people of this Earth. Morgellons fungus infecting most (if not all) on the planet to serve as an antennae array to transmit individual's DNA to be tracked by satellite. Implemented through dissemination of Smart Dust, testing done in the Iraq War.

U.S. Military intentionally poisoning us! MORGELLONS EXPOSED

Published on Nov 28, 2012
Published on Nov 28, 2012 by SuperDeltaBravo1
OPEN description box for appropriate links & credits.
Here is undeniable PROOF POSITIVE that THE UNITED STATES MILITARY IS INTENTIONALLY POISONING INNOCENT AMERICANS. THE TRUTH IS OUT. USE IT WISELY. Heed the words spoken here & look at the Official Military Document. Chemtrails ARE the Delivery System for fungi, biologicals and much more. THIS IS TREASON & Crime against Humanity!!

The Air Force is on record as saying they want to control the weather by 2025. The Massachusetts School of Law's Educational Forum presents part 2 of a Conference on Global Climate Change with Dr. Ilya Sandra Perlingieri, author, educator and environmental writer.
The Massachusetts School of Law also presents information on important current affairs to the general public in television and radio broadcasts, an intellectual journal, conferences, author appearances, blogs and books. For more information visit mslaw.edu. Posted under Fair Use without intent to infringe upon copyright.

Second section is a re-upload from my previous video,posted with permission from Original source, again for the purposes of education with no intent to infringe on anyone's copyright This Official US document, complete with Names & other particulars PROVES that the US Govt IS & HAS BEEN modifying Weather. Pause as necessary & feel free to share. This document PROVES that which Govt has been denying for a long time, evidenced by dates & locations shown within.

This is available under FOIA as well as Fair Use.



Morgellons Disease

Most individuals with Morgellons disease report disturbing crawling, stinging, and biting sensations, as well as non-healing skin lesions, which are associated with highly unusual structures.


These structures can be described as fiber-like or filamentous, and are the most striking feature of this disease. In addition, patients report the presence of seed-like granules and black speck-like material associated with their skin. Fig 1. and Fig 2. below show Fibers emerging from a lesion on child’s lip at 200x.

Maps of Morgellons Research Foundation Registrants in the United States

The Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) has received registrations from people reporting this condition from all fifty U.S. states. The MRF has also received registrations from people reporting this condition from 45 other countries, most notably Canada, Australia, England, South Africa and the Netherlands.

U.S. Families Registered

Note: The maps below are based on U.S. families who felt that they fit the criteria for Morgellons disease, and were motivated to register with the Morgellons Research Foundation. These are all self-reported cases, and likely do not represent the true number of families affected by this illness. Although this is clearly not a methodical study of an officially defined disease, we feel that the numbers below justify an official, unbiased investigation of this situation.

California Families Registered

Note: Although California represents 12% of the US population, 24% of all families in the U.S. who have registered with the Morgellons Research Foundation reside in California.

Texas Families Registered

Florida Families Registered

Do Chem-trails sprayed over our cities contain Genetically Modified Living Fibers, that keep growing and multiplying under the skin, to see how fast they cause neurological collapse in humans?
Disclaimer: This video was uploaded to inform the public about Morgellon's 'disease', possibly caused by genetically modified organisms delivered through Chem-cloud spraying by the military to measure the effect on the human population.
We do not claim to own any of the content. The intent is solely educational.

Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease part 1of 2

These 2 videos are well done and well researched by Clifford Carnicom and Dr. Gwen Scott. The information in these videos affects every individual in this country. They are perhaps the two of the most important videos ever to be made. If you have not viewed these videos you need to do it ASAP. These videos are not casual entertainment they are about all of us. Not just a few people with a weird disease called Morgellons, but about all of us. This information personally affects every person you love and care about. It is about your grandchildren, your family pet, your loved ones and even people down the street that you don't care about. We are all being subjected to this. It is in the very air we are breathing, and the food we are eating. That is certain. There are more vectors beyond even that. To put it in simple terms:

We May All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made!
Many people viewing these videos may have overlooked one of the most import pieces of information that was included in each. Someone has confessed to participation in at least one aspect of the formulation of this disease. It is not to be overlooked or tossed aside. I do believe that Dr. Gwen Scott has been contacted by a credible source who has admitted his part in creating Morgellons Disease. There is still so much conjecture as to the origins of Morgellons that perhaps Gwen's statements will impact someone who is still pretending that this disease in not a deliberate assault on all humankind. It is important to make sure everyone will hear or read this message.
I give great credit to Dr. Gwen Scott for putting forth this vital information and for her selfless work for she has done for the Morgellons community. She is herself a sufferer of the extreme symptoms of the disease. Likewise, I am proud to know Clifford Carnicom and count him among the true heroes of our time for his selfless dedication to this research and getting the truth out there in spite of the personal dangers that can come with being an honest man in these dark times. Clifford has revealed the biggest "dirty little secret" known to man.

Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease part 2 of 2

Published on Nov 13, 2012



Morgellons Cure! - AM Coast To Coast Part -1 (832) 343-5425

Morgellons Cure! Electromagnetic Pulse Party (832) 343-5425

Michael Chapala
Published on Jul 29, 2013
http://www.MorgellonsCure.com Morgellons cure, Morgellons, cure, disease, fibers, itching, crawling, biting, symptoms, brain fog, arthritis, insomnia, depression, bronchitis, headaches, oils, colloidal silver, herbs, infrared, magnets, magnetism, pulsed magnetism, magnetic bracelet, magnetic pulser, heavy metals, apple cider vinegar, pulse party, pulse,, emp, solar, flare, grape juice, apple cider vinegar, garlic, lesions

It is my sincere belief that Reiki energy with accomplish the same results as magnetic pulser. I plan to test this theory on Morgellons victims here on the Island.

How to Kill Morgellon Fibers and remove from your Body

Published on Nov 12, 2015
The Global Elite Money Changers call this "The Natural Trilateral Commission", it is a little inside joke they say among themselves. Now I will share with you, how THEY keep the evil living Morgellon Fibers out their bodies !

Protecting Yourself Against Frequencies and Nano

Published on Mar 30, 2017
Herbalist shows you how to make simple magnetic devices to disrupt the bombardment of frequencies and nano that surround you.

Just keep in mind that there are many so called cures for Morgellons

I was fortunate as the serum showed improvement by the next day as it treats many skin conditions. I am now an official distributor of the serum and will give anyone who request the info as this serum also treats and heals many skin conditions. I will be selling it at the Farmer's Market and also will give anyone the link to the website if they wish to order it online. I do not wish to spam anyone here, so you must request the link and the info . My friend is only one of 3 people who make and sell this product in the USA.

If you think you may have Morgellons, first consult a physician and ensure they examine the suspected areas under a microscope. I would recommend a Naturopathic physician.





my haircut.jpg

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Hi I think I have this !! Please can you send me the info as to how I can get this spray you used??? Thankyou
[email protected]