More than 100 drugs to avoid according to the magazine "Prescrire"

in health •  3 years ago 


More than a hundred medicine to avoid in keeping with the magazine "Prescrire"

The review "Prescrire" updated, on Gregorian calendar month one, its annual review of medicine that it advises to not use, presenting "an unfavorable benefit-risk balance". 2 new medicine have joined the list, six are withdrawn.

"For the tenth consecutive year", the journal Prescrire updates its report of medicine "whose benefit-risk balance is unfavorable altogether the clinical things within which they're approved."

In all, during this 2022 report, one hundred and five medicine were known, as well as eighty nine marketed in France. "These area unit: medicine that are active, but which, taking into consideration the clinical scenario, expose them to disproportionate risks compared to the advantages they provide; recent medicine whose use is obsolete, as a result of alternative medicine more moderen medicine have a additional favorable benefit-risk balance; recent medicine, whose benefit-risk balance is a smaller amount favorable than that of older medicine; drugs whose effectiveness isn't tested on the far side that of a placebo, and that expose to significantly serious undesirable effects ", specifies Prescrire .

Two additions and 6 withdrawals from 2021
Thus, between the 2021 record and therefore the 2022 record, Prescrire presents 2 additions to its list and 6 withdrawals . As for the additions, the journal points to fenfluramine (Fintepla), "an amphetamine", utilized in the treatment of Dravet's unwellness, "a rare and severe sort of childhood brain disorder, once she exposes her to states of additional frequent seizures and high semipermanent vas risks ", details the review. however additionally "ulipristal treated at five mg (Esmya), associate degree antagonist and partial agonist of progestin receptors utilized in female internal reproductive organ fibromyomas". A drug that "exposes to serious viscus harm, generally justifying a liver transplant", specifies Prescrire.

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