This is one of my posts from my blog about water and water filters; and the importance of having and using clean water. I have not showered in tap water in over 22 years and am grateful to have learned how important it is to have a filter when in my twenties. Without water there is no more life on this planet. Our bodies are 70-80% water so if we do not have access to water filters and/or clean water we are filled with toxins. Such is the case with the people in Flint, MI., but what people here in California don't know there are parts of the state with lead levels just as high as Flint, MI.
Happy Reading and remember "Buy A Filter OR Be A Filter!"
Bring the life force of water back!
To learn more water the video below about structured water and frequency. I have a device for my shower and drinking water. It makes all the plants in my yard spring to life and I don't need as much water now.
>>Natural Action Technologies<<<
My Shower Filter Picks Drinking Water Filters See how fast your body absorbs toxins! At the same time there is a water crisis going on in the United States. Tap water is used for making food, cleaning food, brewing coffee and tea, and so on. And even if you drink bottled water, the problem is that most bottled water comes from tap water. Even if the water has been filtered, your food isn't. Deadly toxins known to cause cancer enter the food supply every single day. 19 major U.S. cities have highly polluted drinking water These contaminants are very dangerous. Here's why. PERCHLORATE (Rocket Fuel) CHROMIUM 6 (used for plating, dyes, pigments, leather tanning, wood preserving) Source: National Safety Council Source
I use shower filters but if you use Natural Actin Technologies structuring unit its not needed, claims the creator but I am not there yet.
Naturally Filtered Best value and great filter.
Echo Elemonics
Pure Water Freedom*
Here are some awesome inventions that will help our planet
Zero Mass Water
The best counter top gravity filter around
BIG Berkey Lowest cost per gallon of water $0.02/gal
AuqaWater Reverse Osmosis (not a fan of Reverse Osmosis Water)
Horrifying Tap Water Facts
Water recirculates 23 times through the municipal water system before it evaporates.
USA drinking water contains over 2100 toxic chemicals which are known to cause cancer.
Source: Clean Water Action Project of 2002, the Ralph Nader Group
Source: Natural Resources Defense Council
Source:,, and
Source: Center for Disease Control and Univ of California Davis
The Film That Made Chromium Infamous
ARSENIC (wood preservative, rat poison, glass, alloys)
- Ailments include Bladder, Lung, Skin, Kidney, and Liver Cancers
- Causes damage to Central and Peripheral Nervous Systems, Heart and Blood Vessel Damage
- Causes Serious Skin Problems, Birth Defects and Reproductive Problems
- Recently Judged to Be Unsafe At Any Level in Drinking Water
- Still Found In Drinking Water 22 Million American Homes
- The statistics below are based on best estimate of average arsenic levels for systems that found arsenic. Systems with all non-detects excluded. That means when there's no sensor level, it isn't listed.
Source: Natural Resources Defense Council
State Average Arsenic Concentrations for Systems Finding Arsenic.
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