RE: How Much Anger is 'Normal'? The Role of Anger in Evolution And Maintaining Free Will / Balance.

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How Much Anger is 'Normal'? The Role of Anger in Evolution And Maintaining Free Will / Balance.

in health •  6 years ago 

Following over 10 years of emotional healing work and also a lot of meditation, I continue to disagree with what I feel to be subtle judgements in your perception here.

Firstly, when you speak of being a victim of uncontrolled anger - you are describing anger that is being directed by unloving thought processes (aka heartlessness). Heartlessness is SO heartless that it can even take a fully loving relationship between two people and twist it deliberately to become a weapon to achieve an agenda (such as might be plotted and carried out by 'secret services' for example). My point here is that in the case of anger, the unloving light of mind that has been dominating on earth for so long, often has warped anger into a destructive form, but that is not anger's natural state. Anger's natural state is actually more loving than what many people are calling 'love' at present. Anger is the energy that moves in a mother to protect her children against a predator - it IS love. Even love can be warped by heartlessness.

The only way to successfully transform held rage/anger (and terror/pain/fear) on all levels is to fully accept that energy and learn to move it using sound, in private (in a safe place). You are describing the results of unloving mental energy directing anger in a dangerous way. I am describing loving mentality compassionately accepting the rage and allowing it to move how it needs to move - WITHOUT doing any harm to anyone. These are two very different scenarios.

In this place of pure mind there is simply no need or purpose for emotion.

A state of being that has no emotion is psychopathic and psychotic.

Meditation can be achieved without DENIAL. This is what I advocate. Meditation is an important skill for healing self - absolutely, but until you come to understand the unseen role of denial, it is likely that what appears to be healing will actually be only increasing denial and causing unprocessed emotions to simply change form and become even harder to detect, understand and heal.

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