Introducing-five ingredients for men to be strong in making love

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

these are five traditional long-lasting and hard herbs for men


1. Garlic

One of the best proven ingredients to make men free from premature ejaculation problems is garlic contained antiseptic that can prevent harmful bacteria and also special substances for male sexual arousal and ability increases.

For those of you who want to use garlic blend, prepare the following ingredients below:

5 cloves of garlic
1 chicken egg
1 tablespoon of original honey

Steps to make:

  • itemPeeled garlic skin that has been prepared then wash with clean water

  • After a clean blender or mash until smooth

  • Separate break the eggs that have been prepared then take the yolks only then input into garlic that has been mashed

  • Combine also a spoonful of original honey.

For maximum results blend above drunk before having sex.You can also take medication by consuming it every morning for several days until the problem of premature ejaculation that healed.


2. Pepper

Pepper that has a Latin name Piper nigrum L proven to help men sexuality is more powerful than usual.pepper when properly and properly formulated will be a great ingredient that will help men stronger and longer-lasting lovemaking, so the couple will be satisfied and delicious.

If you want to make your own powerful medicine by using natural ingredients that exist around, then can mix pepper and a combination of other ingredients.

The materials needed are as follows:

  • 30 grains of pepper

  • 2 stalks of dried Chinese petai

  • 2 chicken eggs

  • 1 teaspoon of original honey

Steps to make:

  • Blend 30 grains of pepper

  • Separate 2 stalks of dried Chinese petai and take the seeds only

  • Puree Chinese dried petai seeds

  • Combine fine pepper and chinese petai seeds in one container

  • Enter 2 chicken eggs, take the yolk only

  • Finally add 1 tablespoon of original honey and mix well

Once ready you can consume this powerful potion before sex.consume regularly so that the intensity of your sex game shot more than usual


3. Turmeric Water

Turmeric that has the latin name Curcuma domestica val is one of the complementary ingredients of the addition to functioning to cure stomach pain, turmeric water can also be taken water to help male sexuality to be stronger and longer lasting.

In addition to having powerful properties by using a powerful drug from turmeric is also very safe and comfortable without causing various problems such as strong drug products are widely circulated in the market.

Materials needed:

  • 1 spoon of turmeric water
    half a spoon of lime

  • 1 chicken egg

  • 1 teaspoon of original honey

After the above materials are available do the following steps to make it:

  • Put 1 tablespoon of turmeric water into the container

  • Mix half a tablespoon of lime juice

  • Add 1 chicken egg (yellow only)

  • Finally add 1 tablespoon of original honey and mix well.

Now the powerful medicine from the natural ingredients is ready to drink itself.for maximum results drink this concoction on a regular basis every morning.

4. Ginger

Almost everyone knows ginger because this plant is an ingredient to complement the cuisine and also energy drinks. In addition ginger can also be processed into the best strong medicine for men to be more powerful when having sex.

For those of you who want to mix strong medicine from the main ingredient of ginger, then the materials needed are as follows:

  • 10 grams of ginger

  • 10 grams of temulawak

  • 10 grams of fragrant lempu

  • 5 grams of cilantro

  • 100 cc boiling water

  • 1 teaspoon of original honey

Ways of making :

  • Mash all prepared ingredients

  • Then brewed with boiling water

  • Add a spoonful of food
    native honey and mix well

Now you can already consume a powerful powerful drug made by yourself. For maximum results drink while warm at night. It is recommended to be consumed regularly every day until the early ejaculation suffered healed. By consuming this blend will be a mighty male male capable of satisfying your beloved partner.


5. Fennel Pulosari

Pulosari fennel is a great blend for men to be more intense when having sex. By using this blend man will be much more fierce diranjang with duration of a long and mighty.

For those of you who want to treat their own powerful medicine with the best natural ingredients safe and harmless to health can use the following recipe.

Materials needed:

  • 10 grams Fennel

  • 20 grams Pulosari

  • 20 grams Black Pepper

  • 10 grams of Garlic

  • 2 eggs yellow chicken egg "

  • 1 teaspoon of original honey

Steps to make:

  • Peel all the ingredients then wash

  • Blend all ingredients and place 1 container

  • Then drain with hot water

  • Add 2 egg yolks

  • Add 1 teaspoon of original honey
    Mix well

Note : hopefully this information can be helpful for anyone in need

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Not an introduction post

hey, bro,
I tried to introduce a traditional medicine,
what is the problem for you

That's not what the tag is used for as I'm sure you know. Hence the bot comments you got.

please forgive me for this

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information that is very useful for everyone

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