The mood

in health •  3 years ago 

Today I heard the number 1 of death causes for younger people (till the age of 30 years old) is suicide.
Suicide is not accepted in religious communities which means it depends on where you live and what you believe if it's acceptable.
It sounds a bit weird to me this is an issue at all. Let's be honest all together we do not give a damn about other people. All together we do not like everyone and do not have the energy or time to keep a depressed person company 24/7. It affects our mood and it's more than a heavy task.

The fact is we can not make a depressed person, a real depressed person happy.
A young man was present and he says his first thoughts about dying started at the age of 8-9 years old. He says he is not attached to life and the lockdowns did not affect him. He says his benefit has he already lived alone so no fights and increasing violence during the lockdown for him, no bullying.

The question asked was: is suicide allowed.
He said it is, for him, people are allowed to decide if they want to live or die.
I agree with him. Who am I, who are you to decide someone's life is valuable, needs to be lived if governments worldwide don't care and started the big depopulation, in a world where we dislike and divide and do not hesitate to kill our neighbour or relatives?


It feels to me we find it acceptable to kill others but not to kill ourselves. What hypocrisy.
It takes courage and self-knowledge to decide what is best for you. Life isn't precious, a gift it's forced upon us without asking if we like it or not. It's a selfish deed to put children into a world that will never accept them for who they are.

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We all have to make it so that they want to live 🥰

Hey wakeupkitty, just happened to see, someone seems to have hacked your Blurt account. To save what's left on Blurt, you should stop the powerdown there and change your keys.

Sorry i can't write you anything more pleasant.