in health •  7 years ago 

Nowadays there is a topic under debate about Marihuana, some people think marihuana should be legalized for some uses and others think that would not be a good idea in our societies. The illegal use is marihuana is a fact, the governments spend a part of their budgets and time fighting against criminal organizations; However, a lot of people consume this illegal drug around the world, and even some countries have legalized it currently. So, what is the right thing to do in this case?

When we talk about Marijuana many people assume that it is a dangerous drug for the human body since it may be an addictive drug and it could cause heart diseases or other health problems; Nonetheless, Marihuana has been used for medical purposes since long time ago. Some researchers have shown its multiple benefits for illnesses like Glaucoma, Cancer and any physical or emotional pain. On the other hand, there are people who think that if someone uses Marihuana, this will open the door to harder drugs such as Cocaine, Crack or Heroine. But this is not a fact; some research shows that only 10% of people who uses marijuana are interested in consuming other drugs.


There is a black market established in some countries because this is a very profitable business where criminal cartels of drugs get all money regarding this market, so the main idea why many states would like to legalized marihuana it is to get money through taxes and save money in their annual budget in order to invest in health care or educational programs; they even could create new legal jobs for the population if they allow its use.


This a taboo topic and like others taboo topics some people are against or in favor, but we can not forget that currently it is a fact in our societies, so if we agree with its legalization in both cases: recreation and health uses, governments have to develop some strong laws and the correct way to regulate its uses; we saw a similar case in human history with alcohol and this is something that it works. So what do you think governments should to do????? Are you agree or disagree with its legalization????


This post was written by me.
Pictures was taken from internet, here its links

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This post has received gratitude of 100.00 % from @jout

thanks @jout

I don't like it because it smells really bad. LOL

it's true @itsok, but some people think it has more benefits over how smells

I think it should be legalized because the benefits of medical marijuana are greater than the damage it can cause on those who smoke it.