No Sleep, No Progress

in health •  9 years ago 

     Erratic sleeping patterns has been a handicap to any progress or quality of my life.  It cripples my ability on rational thinking which leads to procrastination and a detriment on social skills.  I can't express how vital a good rest is on health in general!  My personal experience on routines is directly associated with poor sleep.  I'm unable to focus, retain knowledge, socialize and I'm susceptible to any virus that lingers in the region.  There are nights where I give up completely on sleeping, believing I will tire myself enough and be ready for bedtime the following night.  This one is tricky because I'm already on an unhealthy sleep regiment and I'll either unexpectedly crash between 3:15 - 5:30 Am (I know what time it is) or I'll need to nap at some point during the day.

     I know this is common, especially if your a student and you're cramming until 4 Am or had to pull an all-night work fest.  Computer related tasks must be cumbersome, especially when your doing a video edit, web page etc..  I guarantee there are so many of you that are reading this (or not) that are oblivious of the time, due to the passion you spent on your creativity.   I can admire the type of commitment a person has when progress is involved.  I do know people that are excessive when it comes to doing what they love.  They are ridiculed by family or peers that don't understand the time and effort it takes to become successful in the career you have chosen!

     Progress is stepping stones through life and life is meaningless when we become stagnant.  I'm writing this because I currently have no quality of life and I can't be progressive or be rated as a human being when I'm sleep deprived.  This is a phase which could be caused by depression or maybe ill health.  How would I know?  I'm suffering from insomnia!  Oversleeping, which I don't want to leave out and is just as unhealthy.  Routine is key to a healthy sleep and vitality.  If you're working or studying into early hours of the night, you have accomplished what needed to be done and I'm sure, you not only rewarded yourself in life, but have tired yourself enough to be able to sleep your 5 - 7 hours.  I admire those that intensively do the research and editing it takes for a successful YouTube video or film making in general.  There's so much talent out there and I'm positive it takes effort to succeed in your passion!

     I need to overcome this rut I'm in!  I need my focus and be able to retain knowledge!  I have to exercise the muscle in my head!  I have come up with a few things to avoid a few hours before bedtime.  I'll definitely avoid any kind of stress by rectifying any situation during the day.  Physical activity should also be done during daylight.  Pick a decent hour for your downtime, to enjoy light reading or staring into space.  If you like to fall asleep with the T.V on, try watching something mellow.  Some people enjoy medicinal marijuana, try staying away from pharmaceutical branded sedatives that your body can become dependent or tolerant to.  If this can work for me, then I won't have to put up with anyone doing my hair while I nod off.  Like this picture below:




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