If you’re looking to do away with commercial products and harsh chemicals on your skin, that leaves to scars , I urge you to give this a try natural remedy. Bananas and their peels are great for your skin.Banana peels are full of antioxidants, including lutein. This may help protect the skin against being damaged by the sun.
You can use them by:
Take brake off a small piece of banana peel. Rub the yellow (outside) on the area that is affected,for just a few minutes. When the inside of the peel turns brown you are done.
As it dries moisture form the peel dries , your skin will absorb the vitamins and nutrients the peel has left behind. Leave it on for 30 mins,then wash off with warm water.
Another method would be to leave it overnight, then wash off in the morning, Then wash off with warm water.
Both of these methods can be done this every second day. If you not to sure on the amazing results just try it on a small area for 2 to 3 weeks and see the results.