Maximize Your Chances of Getting Pregnant

in health •  7 years ago 

If you have been trying to get pregnant for some time then you’ll know how frustrating the waiting game can be.   Add to that the misconceptions and stories on improving your fertility and you’re left wondering when the best time to attempt baby making is, what positions you need to use and whether your fertile mucus is ‘egg white’ enough.

Fortunately if you want to maximize your chances of getting pregnant then there are some tried and true methods that you can try to help bring the stork closer to your door.

The two main factors you need when trying to conceive a baby is to make sure you are ovulating (and know exactly which day that is in your cycle) and also to give the sperm the best chance of reaching the egg by improving your cervical mucus.

The first is easy enough to find out; you’ll just need a method of determining your ovulation day.  You can try charting your temperature watching for signs of ovulation, or use prediction kits such as ovulation tests or saliva monitors.

The second fertility factor: your cervical mucus is a little more tricky.  Most women are blessed with abundant cervical mucus and other’s need a little help.  Evening Primrose Oil is known to help improve your cervical fluid as is drinking lots of water.  All these little tips will help your body know how to fall pregnant.

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