in health •  7 years ago  (edited)


Perfume technique

This is a relaxation technique based on the aroma therapy that one day I came to practice it and that today I want to share it with you to overcome the stress that afflicts us in these modern times.
You can share it with your family and friends, it may be of benefit to them. I inform you that soon I will be expressing this technique in a video that I will also share with you.

To perform this technique, it is necessary to follow all the procedures detailed below. It is necessary: perseverance, imagination, a lot of concentration and control of the mind, to obtain better results in the short term. They should not surrender in the attempt.

image obtained from

The procedure to be followed is as follows:

Stage 01: Visualization of images and perception of objects.
(Note: It is not necessary to perform this procedure, but doing so can be very helpful to get easily into meditation).

Look the following images between 10 and 30 seconds (The proposed time is variable, the purpose of this visualization is to memorize different images that will help you achieve a faster and better concentration during the process, you can search them on the internet as images or videos):

For the women:

  • look a woman breathing and another resting peacefully.

For men:

  • look a man breathing and another resting peacefully.

For all:

  • Look an extensive, clean, beautiful field, full of vegetation and flowers.
  • Look a calm and clean sea and imagine the cool breeze.
  • Look children and people smiling happily.
  • Look small clouds in a beautiful sky.
  • Look at a picture of you.
  • Look nostrils. The image should show the parts that make it up.
  • Look perfumes and flowers.
  • If you have a perfume or any pleasant smell, breathe it gently and memorize its delicious aroma. If they do not have it, remember a pleasant smell they perceived at some point in their lives.

Stage 02: Find a comfortable and pleasant place.

To start the meditation look for a comfortable place in a pleasant place of the house, work or outdoors.
If you are outdoors, the space chosen should be fresh, no annoying noises or people who can abstracting of meditation.

Stage 03: Find a comfortable position.

Find a comfortable position for the body. They can be sitting on a sofa or chair, or lying on a bed or a soft surface. The objective of this is that the position of your body is to your liking. I recommend that you stay in bed.

Stage 04: Control of Breathing. (2 to 4 minutes If the results in this stage are to your liking, you can extend the proposed time)

• Close your eyes. Do not open them until the process ends.
• Relax the body completely.
• Imagine that you are lying on a beautiful, nice and cool, or lying on a boat at sea, where the cool breeze caressing their faces field.
• Now, while imagining yourself in a pleasant place, inhale and exhale gently.
• Now, as you breathe softly, imagine that the most delicious perfume reaches your nostrils. Inhale it at length and exhálalo calmly.
• Now, while breathing the pleasant scent, clearly imagine your nostrils and inhale while the pleasant fragrance long. Imagine how that aroma travels and refreshes your nostrils and brain.
• Now while you imagine your nostrils breathing that pleasant perfume, inhale gently and long. Now feel clearly how the perfume reaches the top of your nostrils and refreshes them. Note: It is important that the breath is very soft but deep at this time. Find a breathing rhythm that is pleasing to you.
• Breathe until you oxygenate the upper part of your nostrils for 1 or 2 minutes. When you feel more relaxed proceed to start the next stage.

Stage 05: Body Control. (3 to 5 minutes If the results at this stage are to your liking, you can extend the proposed time)

• While you are still breathing the delicious perfume, imagine that you are outside of your bodies looking at yourself. See yourself as if you were seeing another person.
• Now look inside their bodies. Retrieve them and locate every pain, every tension, every annoyance that they suffer from. See how your organs, your flesh, your bones suffer from all the worries and tensions of daily life, but show indifference to that suffering, because you are simply the observers of your suffering bodies, but feel sorry for that aching body.
• Now, as you watch your bodies, relax. Start by relaxing your right hand until you reach the right shoulder, then the left hand until you reach the left shoulder.
• Now, relax the right foot until reaching the hips, then the left foot until reaching the hips. Then relax the stomach, liver, kidneys, all the belly and back.
• Then relax the cheeks, forehead, lips and tongue.
• Then relax your eyes.
• Finally the head and the brain.
• While they relax, keep breathing, with the nostrils, the delicious perfume but in a soft and prolonged way.
• When relaxing a body part or organ, imagine that part is a stretched elastic that suddenly comes to rest and floats in calm water or on a cloud. Feel then that part does not weigh and float.
• When your body feels calm and calm, open your eyes. The therapy is over.

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