Well ladies and gentlemen its time once again for our bi-annual fear mongering campaign brought to us by the truly exemplary experts in the field: the World Health Organization.
First, let me do a quick recap of what happened with the Zika virus and the scandals that followed, including the usual cash-grab by Merck and friends.
Remember a few years back when women in Brazil were suddenly having a slew of encephalitis with their newborn babies? For those that don’t know, encephalitis is a swelling of the brain with fluid and can be fatal if untreated.
First of all the entire thing was a hoax and cover up and there is ample proof of it even though the loyal lapdog mainstream media pretended to ignore it. What first struck me as odd was the Brazilian officials and even the NCBI noting that there was no definitive link between Zika and encephalitis.
Brazilian officials stated that Zika virus did not seem to be the culprit because the cases were not distributed nationwide but instead were centralized in certain areas that had been using a certain insecticide. Of course this does not bode well for the mainstream propaganda. If the insecticide was incriminated then that would mean that massive chemical producers such as Monsanto and friends would actually be behind the swath of encephalitis, and this would mean big time lawsuits (much as we we see today with glyphosate). So naturally, since chemical and pharmaceutical companies are among the largest founders of mainstream propaganda, the narrative was spun. Hell, they even managed to profit off the ordeal by fasttracking a vaccine to avoid regulatory agencies and proper studies.
This is a common tactic by corporations. Who needs pesky regulatory agencies when you can just find loopholes for a cash grab? Even the GMO movement got a boost, of course on the taxpayer’s dollar, by deploying genetically modified mosquitos to combat the “deadly disease”.
Well as I’ve mentioned before this turned out to be a massive hoax and several things happened:
The same insecticide implicated in causing the encephalitis was sprayed relentlessly throughout Florida, similar to the DDT spraying of yore (and we all know how that ended up)
A fast-tracked vaccine for an invented virus is created, bypassing studies and making a quick buck for Merck and friends
GMO lunatics get their wish with a modified mosquito to fight said fabricated disease
Here’s an interesting side note: The Rockefeller foundation (who funded the WHO and the American Medical Association) actually owns the patent for the Zika virus from 1947...don’t believe me? Here’s the patent:
Notice how it is under the “products” section of the website, because that’s all it is. A product.
Brazilian officials had long noticed the link between the insecticide pyriproxyfin and encephalitis. Hell, even our own National Institute of Health acknowledges this fact. And what does this larvacide do? It causes developmental abnormalities.
So what ends up happening, let’s break this down step by step:
A larvicide implicated in the encephalitis cases is used prolifically in Brazil. The cases of “zika” are centered around areas that use this larvicide.
The U.S., as per usual, fear mongers the public. They then use the SAME EXACT LARVICIDE to “combat” the fictitious disease. Never mind that the larvicide causes the EXACT same problems that the “zika” virus is purported to cause.
Widespread spraying of chemicals over Florida, even though the larvicide, as noted above, causes unknowable effects on babies.
Years down the line, more babies will have encephalitis, caused by the larvicide. Plausible deniability will be the tool used by the chemical producers.
They will blame it on “zika” and spray again.
Notice here how the only people that profit are the same chemical producers that caused the damn problem to begin with, funded by tax payers, with zero accountability.
Could this coronavirus be the next Zika hoax? I would venture yes. After all, we’ve seen it many times before:
Swine Flu
All with fast tracked vaccines, somewhat forced on the public by the same crony ass psychopaths that caused the problem to begin with.
Fear mongering.
Works. Every. Single. Time.