Nano healthcare Token: A leap in the right direction

in healthcare •  7 years ago 

The blockchain revolution has made its way to the healthcare industry, and it’s only the beginning of what’s possible. Healthcare Rallies for Blockchain, a study from IBM, found that 16% of surveyed healthcare executives had solid plans to implement a commercial blockchain solution this year, while 56% expected to by 2020.

Healthcare companies, tech innovators and the rest of the healthcare industry are grappling with what’s possible now and what blockchain could solve in the future.

The overall vision for blockchain to disrupt healthcare in the future would be to solve many issues that plague the industry today to create a common database of health information that doctors and providers could access no matter what electronic medical system they used, higher security and privacy, less admin time for doctors so there’s more time to spend on patient care, and even better sharing of research results to facilitate new drug and treatment therapies for disease.

Although there are some incredibly exciting ways blockchains can enhance healthcare operations, it won’t be a cure-all for the industry today, but it would certainly be a step in the right direction. The healthcare industry is drowning in data – clinical trials, patient medical records, complex billing, medical research and more.

Challenges in Healthcare

In discussing the challenges of healthcare, it’s generally classified into two as systemic and technological:
Systemic challenges in the sense that current health system is a reactive “sick” care based on an episodic, acute care model. That is, the system waits for one to become sick before it kicks into reactive action. For the most part, the system was not designed to help prevent the onset of disease but instead to diagnose and treat illness.

As for the technical challenges, healthcare information technology challenges are unique. Every aspect of healthcare delivery and analysis now relies increasingly on technology – both inside and outside the physician’s office.

Wearable devices, Electronic Health Records (EHR), office network connectivity, and more mean there is a continuum of healthcare technology that stretches from the patient’s personal life to the primary care practice and beyond.

NanoHealth solution

The Nanohealth model is hinged on having a solution that is preventive, primary and a continuous care for diseases that are not communicable such as hypertension, diabetes, cholesterol, obesity and thyroid. You are very much aware that these diseases are the leading cause of death and hence the focus on them in this particular model which offers continuous care.

The solution stems from a background of a unique intelligent algorithm that curate personalized care for patients based on their medical history, and also existing condition and manner of life. The idea here finds expression when recommendations are made as to diet, exercise and fitness regimes, and alerts for constant check-ups.

The system is designed with alert reminding patients who use it to adhere to their prescriptions, also monitoring agreed treatment plan.
The solution is carried out on a platform, which makes possible for different stakeholders to interact with each other seamlessly. From their track record it shows the possibility of harnessing patient generated health data (PGHD) to gather important information for stakeholders.

Token type is ERC20
Fundraising goal of $1 million (soft cap) / $ 9 million (hard cap)
Total tokens: 1 Billion
The available tokens for sale are 35% of total tokens.

Check the white paper –

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