Paramedic report: Anaphylactic shock an allergic reaction to shellfish

in healthcare •  7 years ago  (edited)

I will do my best to keep all HIPPA laws in check. Which basically means I cannot give any info that would identify anyone in any way possible. I also cannot talk about high profile cases. I think I have done a good job of not violating these rules but please notify me if I have somehow.

All photos are taken from the internet randomly

Allergic Reaction to shellfish

32 year old female; ate a plate of shrimp. She told me she always had a suspicion of an allergy because it runs in the family so she has never eaten more than 3 at a time. She says tonight she ate approximately 20. Face is very swollen around the eyes and lips; says her tongue is swollen. Rash and hives all over her chest, shoulders and neck.

This is anaphylactic shock - a severe allergic reaction and is life threatening.

She has stridor in the upper airway and coughing non-stop

Placed on high flow oxygen with a mask

Heart rhythm is tachycardia
Sinus tachycardia.jpg

Large gauge needle is used for an IV attached to fluids incase I need them


Medications given:

Benadryl aka diphenhydramine 50mg through an IV. This stops the histamine production and prevents further damage from reaction to an allergen. Used in most allergic reactions

Epinephrine; high dose 1:1,000 (0.3mg) Intramuscular. This actually reverses the effects of histamines. Only used in anaphylactic reactions that have a threat to the airway.


All images are taken from under keywords mentioned above

If I am doing anything that violates hippa or if you have any concerns - please voice them because I would be happy to hear or take down this post. I thought it would be kind of cool to have a medical discussion; people can learn or even I could learn by someone else sharing knowledge. This is only 1 out of 7 calls I had but this one was the most interesting.


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Thank you for your service.

Really interesting post, thank u