Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Health Care System

in healthcare •  3 years ago 


"Free Health Care System is a concept in which medical facilities are provided to all the citizens despite their socio-economic background. A system in which people enjoy health and medical services at minimum prices." But like every practical system, it has pros and cons.

Advantages of Free Health Care System:

Following are the benefits of this system:

It is cheap and affordable. Government entertains most of the expenses of the patients; therefore, people can easily afford medical facilities. The cost of medical procedures and doctor's fees is low, hence affordable. (1)

2.Low Administrative cost
The free health care system brings health ad medicine under the realm of the government. Doctors are directly hired by the state, excluding any third party or external agency. There are no extra expenses as the state acts as the administrator, which benefits both; the doctor and the patient. (2)


Disadvantages of Free Health Care System;

Although this system benefits the poor and working-class, it has some disadvantages.

1.Low-Quality Service
With no market competition, the quality of the services offered by these state-owned institutions drops. The absence of private firms and hospitals leads to the flooding of the few state-owned medical clinics. The rapid spike in the number of patients affects the quality of health services being provided. (3) There is enormous financial pressure on the government. The government has to build numerous hospitals in every sector; otherwise, it will lead to the overcrowding of the health centres, which, in turn, will drop the quality of the facilities.

4.Longer waiting time
In a free health care system, people have to wait many days for a checkup. Hospitals are overcrowded and busy 24/7. People have to make appointments one or two weeks before their checkups. (4) However, in a free market, people can book an appointment with a professional doctor without waiting weeks.


(4) America's Health Care Future (2020). A report about health care. Retrieved from

(1) Kandie, L.(2020). Advantages and Disadvantages of Free Health Care Explained. Retrieved from

(2) Morra, D., Nicholson, S., Levinson, W., David, N., Hammons, T. & Lawrence, P. A report about health affairs. Retrieved from

(3) Napit, R.(2020). 11 pros and cons of Free Health Care. Retrieved from

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