How To Treat Mental Health Issues While Promoting Agorism AKA Microdosing 101

in healthcare •  8 years ago  (edited)

Many people in this day and age suffer from mental health afflictions, primarily in the form of depression and anxiety. Unfortunately, although the benevolent ruler, Obama has so graciously offered us "affordable" healthcare with the alternative option of being fined several thousand dollars each year, many are still unable to afford help. Even those of us who can afford it, often choose not to as we would rather not support "Big Pharma" or pump our bodies full of unknown government-approved chemicals.

Perhaps you have heard of microdosing. Perhaps you have even considered it. Microdosing is when the patient ingests a small amount of psychedelic drug on a regular basis, but not enough to have an experience. This can be achieved by using LSD or Psilocybin. The goal is to feel euphoric and you may notice your pupils enlarge slightly. The author of this essay recommends using mushrooms as opposed to acid because it is easier to control the levels. So for the rest of this article we will be discussing microdosing with Psilocybin. If you have experience with any other alternative medications, please share your experiences in the comments section below.

Not only are mushrooms non-habit forming unlike some SSRIs and other anti-psychotics, but microdosing with them is also pretty inexpensive. Plus, bonus points- they are tax-free! An eighth of mushrooms should run you between $30-$40 and should last a couple of months if used only for this purpose(of course, this also depends on the size of the mushrooms). The amount to take varies by person, but one medium sized mushroom every 3 days or so seems to have a significant positive effect on one's mental health. I recommend experimenting on the weekend so that you don't end up tripping at work. On microdosing days, it is best to take one mushroom about an hour before work and then another one about 5 hours later. This should last you through the whole day and allow you to interact peacefully with your associates. Grinding up the mushrooms into almost a powder using a food processor and putting the powder into gel capsules may seem like a good idea (it did), but I assure you that just eating the mushroom as is or maybe with a bit of honey is much easier.

It is possible to microdose every day, but it is recommended to take a short break so that one does not build up too much of a tolerance. This also allows the patient to see how well the medication is working, unlike with many prescription medications where it is almost impossible for the patient to notice any difference, thus making them unlikely to continue the medication. Also unlike many prescription medications, save benzodiazepines, Psilocybin begins to work quickly. It does not need to build up in one's system for weeks unlike many SSRIs. The somewhat loose regimen allows the patient to feel as though they still are themselves; just enhanced.

If you are suffering from depression and/or anxiety, please consider microdosing. Side effects DO NOT include: drowsiness, dizziness, tired feeling, constipation, dry mouth, insomnia, decreased sex drive, impotence, or difficulty having an orgasm or increased risk of suicide. You may find that you laugh at things a lot more and for some reason, it also seems to help with indoor allergies.

More info:
Disclaimer: Never embark on a full blown trip if you are not in the right state of mind

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Eh, promoting microdosing, especially in regards to combating mental health issues, is foolish in my opinion. The case studies showing that psychedelics have the potential to positively impact personality, alleviate depression, and reduce anxiety long term suggest that it's likely the psychedelic experience itself, not merely the introduction of a psychoactive compound, that spurs positive changes in the brain.

I'm all for utilizing psychoactive substances for metaprogramming and healing, but I would recommend doing so in a controlled setting with an experienced sitter, or more preferably a trained therapist or shaman, at or above the threshold dose.

If you haven't already, I suggest reading Joe Atwill and Jan Irvin's article "Manufacturing the Deadhead: A Product of Social Engineering..."

And if you're struggling with mental health issues, I suggest getting in contact with a naturopathic physician.

And for those in need of more immediate assistance, I recommend looking into kratom... or cannabis.

yeah i've heard of folks microdosing with cannabis, which seems like a much lighter entry-point, if one is set on self-medication