Avocado chocolate pouding easy to do healthy way to have a treat !

in healthy •  7 years ago  (edited)

You have a craving but you want nutricious, some vitamins inside not only empty calories, here a good way to fullfill your craving. Here simples tips for doing a awesome recipe.

This recipe is approximative, i always do my stuff with my nose and tongue ;), i never write my experience in the kitchen i taste and adjust for my taste of the moment. Sometimes i feel for more cacao i add more sometime i use stevia and honey sometimes maple syrup.

So i propose you do the same go with the texture and taste of the moment you want.

For this recipe you need - 2 avocados

Best quality cacao powder - 4 or 5 spoons mixte on low heat with 2 spoons of coconut oil and 5 table spoons of cashew milk plus 4 table spoons of maple syrup and 4 drops of vanilla stevia (mixte for 2-3 minutes)
You can add 1 table spoon grind of the orange skin if you feel for that taste or 2 leafs of fresh mint.

When the texture seem good put this mix with the 2 avocados in the blender, shake it all. If its too thik put a little more cashew milk if its too liquid add more avocado and cacao. For a dark chocolate add more cacao and adjust the sugar mode you use (honey or maple syrup taste good). taste it often in the process for adjust it at your taste.Vegan-Chocolate-Avocado-Pudding-with-Chia-Seeds-2.jpg

Put in small bol, in the fridge for 40 min. and its ready to eat. Before eat garnish with nuts of choice in small ground look and red fruits.

The texture is smoooth i love it !

I hope you enjoy it too


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yummmm 😋

This looks really yummy

It is, the coconut oil in the cold add smooth texture, its yummy, did you ever try it once ?

Coconut oil always add a special twist to food and I have no doubt of the twist of flavour it will add to this pudding. I'll give it a try. Thank you

My pleasure