in healthy •  7 years ago 

Never a victim.pngDo you love yourself and your life?
Can you feel the bliss and the love of just being alive right now?
Me, it would have been a bit fat NO and NO.
I mean, what the heck, not that I saw myself as a victim, or would ever admit it. That would make me powerless, right?
I was though, in the sense that I used to not only live as a victim of my false beliefs, I almost died as a part of them.
Believing I had randomly gotten a disease, that my life was as randomly taking a turn, meaning, without my control OR saying.

I did NOT love my life or situation. HATE comes to mind for a long time. So lost and challenged by pain and despair, even now I wonder at times how I pulled myself through. But I did, and the clue looking back was my ability to NOT feel as a victim. That in itself is empowering.
THAT in itself will lead to forgiveness and enthusiasm.

What matters is what you feel and perceive. What makes you happy, and what makes you thrive. That is your truth, and that is the path you should follow, always. Every symptom of despair, anxiety, uneasiness, and frustration are telling you are not living your true story.

That you are living as a victim.

When you waken to the fact that that there might be another way, that what has been presented to you might not be the only truth or not a real truth at all; BAM! Enthusiasm and eagerness to straight to your cells. Anticipation comes in as a fresh breeze on a hot summer day.

You will feel drawn towards research and reading.
You will feel the hunger for more knowledge.
You have triggered something inside you that knows better.
You are inspired.
Your soul is doing the happy dance.

When you start to wonder about new solutions, something you haven`t done before, you know you are on to something magical.

You have cut some crap.

Once you realize that you know how to call a lie from the very beginning, you will feel empowered. You will feel eager to find your own way. You always knew, you just didn`t know you knew. Your soul, the real you know.
It always did.
No bullshit could ever enter your divine space, the part of you that is connected to all that is.

The God force.

Referring to our lives as a story is a perfect way of looking at it. It makes it easy to see how it can be rewritten. We can write another chapter, turn the page, and use our imagination. It can be sad or happy, it is all in the power of the holder of the pen. Conditioning oneself to not only be a writer but a rewriter takes guts and a dose of warrior material. It takes the boldness and the fearlessness of someone like you. Yes, you got it, we all have that ability. No one is excluded. False beliefs are clouding the vision, but the veil is lifting.

There is nothing that you can`t do. No one can ever tell you that you cannot do something, and be telling the truth.

Not YOUR truth. You are empowered to create and thrive.

YOU are empowered to change your life in an instant. By changing your perception of who you really are.
By letting go of the need to feel less than.

You are NOT.
Don`t buy into the lies that come from victimhood, fear, and ignorance. They are deceiving.

Imagine for a minute that everything you wished for was true. That all people were good, that no one needed medications, that there were free food and medicine for everyone. Imagine there being no wars, no suffering, no violence and no greed. In this imaginary world, people were naturally happy, the air was clean, the ocean pure, and the food was poison free. Everyone was living their dream, and people took care of each other. Animals were free, no killing or captivity. No disease, vaccinations, and no pollution.
Sounds too far out?
Almost like a fairytale?
It isn`t.

It is bullshit free living. What we as magnificent beings are able to create.

What we believe has lead to our suffering, while the truth will bring us home.
False beliefs show us limitation and restriction, while the truth will set us free.

Being healthy is natural.
Our body is a living organism. Made of more than a trillion cells, it is constantly healing, repairing, decaying and growing. It is a constant life and death of cells. Some die, while new ones are born. A sick cell is eaten, and waste is transported out. New cells take over, and hurts and injuries are repaired. In the perfect world, that is. Being healthy is what the body was designed to be. Like any other species, we were meant to thrive and to function at optimal capacity well into old age. We were meant to live a healthy life until death.

The body is a self-healing mechanism, and will always seek to be healthy. Regeneration is the golden key, and in nature, it is an ongoing process.

Even weak genes from birth can be regenerated. The beauty of truth is that it gives you the freedom of creation. Nothing is too small or too big. We can rewrite our entire blueprint, by simply returning to the basics of life. Look to the animal kingdom. They do not suffer from any so-called chronic diseases. They do not get cancer or diabetes.
It is natural to be healthy at any age.
It is natural to be PAIN-FREE and happy at any age.

Live it, feel it and know it!

Hilde Larsen
Health /Mindset Coach/Author/Speaker/Detox Specialist/Life-Enthusiast

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Love this! following you @inspiredbyhilde