Benefits of Banana

in healthylife β€’Β  8 years agoΒ 


Alohhaaaa stemian...
Na na na na na na na na bananaaaaaa potato nanaaaaaa πŸ˜„ Do you remember..??
Oh, no no no...
This is not about banana's singer or all about that πŸ˜„

Today, I will share to you benefits of banana:

  1. Bananas Contain Many Important Nutrients

  2. Bananas Contain Nutrients That Moderate Blood Sugar Levels

  3. Bananas May Improve Digestive Health

  4. Bananas May Help With Weight Loss

  5. Bananas May Support Heart Health

  6. Bananas Contain Powerful Antioxidants

  7. Bananas May Help You Feel More Full

  8. Unripe Bananas May Improve Insulin Sensitivity

  9. Bananas May Improve Kidney Health

  10. Bananas May Have Benefits for Exercise

  11. Bananas Are Easy to Add to Your Diet

So... Thats is benefits of banana, lets try it πŸ˜‰

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Β  Β· Β 8 years agoΒ (edited)

[citation needed]

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