Chapter 2 - Why the Carb Cycling Diet Works
The carb cycling diet has become mainstream recently. Research is still ongoing with regards to the additional benefits. However, many people have reported great success with the 7-day plan for several reasons. Here are some of the arguments for why it works:
• One of the main reasons is flexibility. It really doesn’t feel like a diet because there is a wide variety of foods to choose from. You can eat your favorite foods on certain days. People who follow the plan report not feeling deprived. And, the cheat day really helps as well!
• It gives you the ability to customize your plan if you stick to the basic rules.
• It can easily be adopted into your lifestyle and become permanent or a long-term eating habit.
• It is a simple protocol. Any layman who wants to lose weight will have no trouble following the easy guidelines.
• Perhaps the strongest point is that it is proven simultaneously build muscle while burning fat. This is a dream come true for anyone who wants to shed stubborn pounds.
• A high carb diet has been shown to increase insulin production in the pancreas. This important hormone helps boost metabolism and energy levels. Insulin also helps maintain better body composition.
• The high carb intake increases the production of leptin, a hormone that decreases hunger.
• The high carb days will replenish and fuel glycogen, a compound that builds muscle
• You do not need to use elaborate measurements or track macronutrients. You will be able to see results by just monitoring daily calorie intake sticking to the basic guidelines.
Traditionally, it was believed that you could not build muscle and lose fat at the same time. This is because losing fat requires less calorie intake while building muscles requires more. Amazingly, carb cycling is the magic formula that helps the body do both. This is the real game-changer.
Carb cycling works because it's a healthy way to lose weight and get into better shape.