Despite the fact that the heart disease is the number one cause for death of women in the US, there is still a common misperception that it is a guy thing. Often women fear breast cancer more although they are eight times more likely to die of the heart disease. As per Pamela Ouyang, MBBS, director of the John Hopkins Women’s cardiovascular health center, “The message is getting out more but women still need help to understand their risk factors”. Now let us check out if any of these heart health mistakes often made by women apply to you.
Believing You’ll ‘Know’ When You Need to Get Your Blood Pressure Checked
Its great to be in tune with your body, but this approach will alone has its limits. Women often tell the doctor, “I got dizzy, so I knew my blood pressure was high”. You won’t know when you have high blood pressure or high cholesterol which are silent conditions.
How to proceed: Get the blood cholesterol, blood pressure and blood sugar measured regularly by your doctor. These tests can flag your risk for future heart trouble.
Installing an Exercise Bike in the Home
Having a bike or a treadmill itself is great. The trouble is that you have to use it often and that’s where many women go wrong. Hence, they decide to embark on a new exercise program which is not that fun, convenient and so far after an initial push as they slack off.
How to Proceed: Pick up an activity which is fun for you or so you’ll want to do it often such as running with a friend or walking around the mall.
Smoking Weight Down
Keeping your weight in a normal range is great for your heart. But using cigarettes for weight control snuffs out the good effects. This is because smoking is a leading cause of the cardiovascular disease.
How to Proceed: Control your weight with exercise and diet. Do not count on e-cigarettes, either. According to Dr. Ouyang, “They may not be as healthy as it has been hoped initially as it is still nicotine”.
Not Knowing the Warning Signs of Heart Trouble for You
A heart attack can be present differently in women than it does in men. Expecting a chest crushing episode, women will ignore other danger signs.
How to Proceed: If you notice abdominal pain, nausea, difficulty breathing or other bothersome symptoms which are unusual for you. Therefore it is important to consult with your doctor.
Avoiding Hormone Replacement Therapy at Menopause Because It’s Bad for the Heart
Some women may suffer unnecessarily through intense hot flashes and sleep disturbances. While it’s no longer believed that the hormone replacement therapy can help protect the heart at menopause, it doesn’t mean you need to avoid it. Ouyang says, “For most women in their 50s, the established cardiovascular risk is low and it is safe to take hormones”.
How to Proceed: If you need to take hormones for menopausal symptoms relief. Try a prescription at the lowest possible dose for the shortest period of time.
Thinking Certain Health Problems of Pregnancy Ended with Your Child’s Birth
Though your baby may no longer be inside you, but your heart, arteries and other organs still are. If you have hypertensive issue in pregnancy such as preeclampsia, pregnancy induced hypertension or gestational diabetes, then you are at increased risk of heart problems later in life.
How to Proceed: Always inform a new doctor about your full health history so that he/she has necessary information to consider your individual needs.
You can also read:
How to Keep Heart Healthy in Winters?
Heart Health for Women: What You Should Know
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