What is heart brain coherence? What did the indigenous and the ancients tell us about achieving harmony? Can you trigger healing within the body? Is there a new consciousness emerging where humanity is understanding their Own Power? Are you LIMITLESS?

in heartbrainconnection •  2 years ago  (edited)

Did you know the heart has a brain?

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This is a microscopic picture showing the interconnectivity between cardiac ganglia in the human heart. The light blue thin structures in the image on the left are multiple axons coursing between and connecting the ganglia. The image on the right is an expanded view of the ganglia shown in the rectangular box in the image on the left.

This is a highly magnified view of a cardiac intrinsic ganglia taken with a confocal microscope which is able to take images layer by layer and then build a 3D image. Ganglia are made up of groups of nerve cells (somata) that exist outside of the brain and spinal cord. Each of the smaller circular structures shown is the cell body of an individual neuron.

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Armour, in 1991, discovered that the heart has its "little brain" or "intrinsic cardiac nervous system." This "heart brain" is composed of approximately 40,000 neurons that are alike neurons in the brain, meaning that the heart has its own nervous system.

Do you know how to optimize the conversation between your heart and your brain?

How to harmonize,

  • shift your awareness from your brain to your heart
    This is not a common practice in the West as most Think they are in their heart, when in reality they are still in their brain thinking about what it would be like IF they were in their heart.
    Our ancestors suggested gently touching your heart area physically in a way that is comfortable for you.

In the Mayan tradition you see an open palm right on the heart.
In many of the Middle Eastern traditions you also see this.
In many of the Buddhist traditions they do a prayer mudra that physically touches the sternum.

As stated in bodisurfyoga
The Anjali Mudra is the practice of meeting the hands together by the sternum in a “prayer position”. This hand gesture is used frequently during the practice of yoga. It is not only used at the opening and closing of yoga classes, but also during some of the other yoga asanas. Anjali is Sanskrit term which means, “to offer” or “to salutate”, and the term Mudra means “seal”. So basically, it is the salutation seal and symbolizes that we are “honoring and celebrating this moment”.

It is important when we do our yoga practice to understand the reasons why we are doing what we are doing. That way, we can do it mindfully and with intention, so we are not just following a procedure. You may find that the Anjali Mudra salutation seal has many meanings.

An explanation from a yoga master
The explanation given by Krishnamacharya is my favorite:

“This gesture signifies the potential for an intention to progress to greatest spiritual awakening. When done properly the palms are not flat against each other; the knuckles at the base of the fingers are bent a little, creating space between the palms and fingers of the two hands resembling a flower yet to open, symbolizing the opening of our hearts.”

Once we truly understand the Anjali Mudra meaning we can embrace the reasons for it. This can help us ensure the position is based on humility rather than an ego expression, or to achieve perfection on a physical level.

The key is any of these creates a physical sensation right over your heart center and your awareness will always go right to where you feel the sensation.

  • Slow your breathing, just a little slower than how you typically breathing.
    Perhaps try 5 seconds inhale, then 5 seconds exhale.
    This is powerful because the only times human would breath like this is when they feel safe.
    This means you're not vigilant and not aware of your surroundings, as is needed in meditation.

The final is another key

  • Begin to feel the feeling that creates 0.1 Hz
    In other words feel the feeling that sets up the coherence between the heart and brain.

Scientists at the Institute of Heart Math have found that there are four key words that work 100% of the time for everyone.

  • Appreciation for anything or anyone.
  • This is why an attitude of Gratitude is so important towards those around you, your animals and nature.
  • Care
  • Compassion

If humanity can feel some kind of combination of those four above in their hearts,
while your breathing as if your breath is coming from your heart center
while touching your heart
this means you are centered with source [your creator source].

This sets up the communication between your heart and brain and
now you are triggering those neurons to begin to reach and and find other neurons to strengthen this connection.

It takes about 72 hours or three days to build these networks.
This means the more you do this, the stronger your heart, brain connection becomes in your life.

Next, get beyond yourself!
In other words disconnect with the Outer world in order to connect with your Inner self.

This is about telling the body it is not in charge, therefore; during calm times or meditation when you choose to disconnect, you don't let your body check email or a phone. Rather you let it know that YOU are in charge and all of that will be there later.

Where you place your attention is where you place your energy, so if the mind is dredging up past traumas and bad experiences choose to transmute that energy rather than dwell on the emotion.

When you dwell on the past you are allowing your mind and body to syphon energy out of the past into the present, but once you are conscious that is where the mind is headed you just switch it up with an attitude of gratitude for all the good you have in the present moment.

Every time you return your consciousness to the present moment is a victory won!
Do not get stuck in your mind trying to return to old habits, but rather focus on the victory.

Romans 8:37-39
37 No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. 38 For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons,[b] neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, 39 neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It's about disinvesting your energy out of the future, let's say you have a meeting or appointment at 6:00 at it is meditation at 5:00.
Every time you return your attention from out of the future, you are making room for the unknown in your life and that's a victory.

As you know most of humanity is afraid of the unknown, which is why they focus on the next thing coming whether it is pleasant or not, because humanity prefers the known, the habitual and the schedules.
Yes, there are schedules to keep for now, but if you carve out a time to disconnect from the outside world to work on your inner world, that is a safe space and time to NOT reconnect with the very thing you are taking a break from even IF a short break for say just 10 to 15 min.
You will survive as the phone, the device, the tasks, the chores, the meeting will STILL be there to return to.
For your meditation or disconnect times, continue to bring your energy back to the present and if you need something to focus on~ focus on who and what you are grateful for.
This will assist the heart, brain connection and coherence.

Most people lose their free will to programs.
What programs?

Don't you watch them on the Tell a Vision or your device?
There is a reason they are called programs.

Aren't you programmed from birth to keep schedules, holidays and other scheduled programming?
Is there a literal program running in the background at all times that humans either choose to tap into or not to tap into?

Are you a Transmitter or a Receiver?
What if you are BOTH?

Check it out if not familiar,


When one is in the habit of doing everything in a routine way, they are not making room for the unexpected or the unknown.
There is no space for the creative spark that resides inside of them.

This is why so many feel as if they are a hamster on a wheel, because in many ways they literally are!
They have the choice to Take themselves off of the wheel and have times where they disengage from the outside realm.
Take a walk while NOT focusing on brain chatter and perceived troubles.
Sit outside or work in the garden while listening to the birds and animal life around as nature is connected to humanity and very healing.
Sit and slow breathing down wherever you are and keep your attention on who and what you are grateful for.

As most people lose their free will to all of the programs around them, they can work on telling themselves at moments they have carved out. . ."no I am not focusing on that, but rather THIS attitude of gratitude," their Free will then becomes GREATER than the program because they have been in a habit of doing everything in a certain way [so they have lost their free will to those habits and programs] this means their body which is functioning as a habit now has become the mind.

It's almost like when I told parents in the past they were allowing the tail to wag the dog concerning issues they were having with their children.
The body and mind need parameters just as children do.
Always seeking and wanting boundaries.
The parent is lovingly In Charge and not allowing bad or harmful behaviors, but rather consistent guidelines.

So it is the same for reminding your body and mind that you are in charge and NOT it.
Do not be a slave to your body and mind.

This is why you are told in the bible,
Proverbs 4:23
“Keep thy heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life.”
Heart, brain coherence perhaps?

If you allow the world around you and the schedules to direct your life, then your body is dragging you into a predictable future.
What if it is the future you never wanted?
Take charge in a positive way of no mind chatter on the negative and focusing on the positives.

Every time your body is bored and wants to do something other than the meditation, every time you breath and settle it back down into the mediation or focus on gratitude, in other words re-direct it, every time you do so is a Victory!

Takes it from the future of wanting the same, the mundane, the knowns whether it be news, social media, work, problems, etc. . .you have taken charge of your destiny or future outcome.
Not so predictable now!

Stop being a Victim!

Connecting Sources,

#HeartBrainConnection, #IntrinsicGanglia, #BrainOfHeart, #HeartMath, #Harmony, #Balance, #AchievingBalance, #Ascension

Batesville, AR, Mammoth Cave, KY

All entrances to inner earth around the world exist exactly at the most powerful Ley Line intersections.
They are also directly on top of an Atlantean Crystal Seed bed.

Magnetite is wide spread and abundant on earth, but Magnetite does not have the same properties as true magnets.

Crystals in Arkansas have a myriad of properties and one of the most powerful crystal vortexes in terms of the potency and utility of it's vortexial portal field. This is due to the specific blend of energies there.
The properties these crystals have is vast especially when combined with true magnets.
Most modern scientists are not yet aware magnetic materials with properties exhibiting intrinsic polarity are quite rare.

One of the most potent concentrations of intrinsic polar loadstone is in the quartz bearing center of the crystal vortex at Magnet Cove, AK near Hot Springs

This center vortex when blended with certain magnetic properties.
Crystalline Quartz is multi-dimensional so when blended with certain magnetic properties creates what are known as star gates and worm holes in space.

Are these occur intermittently appearing and disappearing in random apertures above the earth's surface in the crystal vortex?

Is what is perceived as crystalline energy~ is an omnipotent power source that has implications far beyond humanity's current understanding?

We do know that crystalline structure is formed by an essence of frequential light resonance that is multi-dimensional and coherent.

This essence of frequential light resonance exists in both matter and anti-matter.

Is this God's divine template that sources all creation, manifestation and forms the very matrixal composition of every Plane of Existence?

Is it the enzyme of reality transduction?

Is it the vitality spring of divine thought that forms the cosmos itself?

Are there three Atlantean master crystals buried in the Arkansas the ones that create the most powerful electromagnetic vortex on earth?

Does this exist what may be termed into space within a frequency of parallel hyper dimensionality.

Did you know that a rare form of the noble metal gold is present at deeper levels within the beds of quartz crystals below Arkansas?
It is a form of unique crystalline electron.

Earth's geologists are well aware that gold often occurs in this way in crystalline quartz.

Why have they not explored the quantum fields that octrahedronal crystalline gold electron generates.

Are there thousands of square miles of quartz and silica at very deep levels that have been fused with silver and gold and monatomic elements due to the tremendous pressure and heat within the crust?

Do small, rare pieces of this exotic material come to the surface through kimberlite pipes.

Kimberlite occurs in the Earth's crust in vertical structures known as kimberlite pipes, as well as igneous dykes. Kimberlite also occurs as horizontal sills.[2] Kimberlite pipes are the most important source of mined diamonds today. The consensus on kimberlites is that they are formed deep within the mantle. Formation occurs at depths between 150 and 450 kilometres (93 and 280 mi), potentially from anomalously enriched exotic mantle compositions, and they are erupted rapidly and violently, often with considerable carbon dioxide[3] and other volatile components. It is this depth of melting and generation that makes kimberlites prone to hosting diamond xenocrysts.

Despite its relative rarity, kimberlite has attracted attention because it serves as a carrier of diamonds and garnet peridotite mantle xenoliths to the Earth's surface. Its probable derivation from depths greater than any other igneous rock type, and the extreme magma composition that it reflects in terms of low silica content and high levels of incompatible trace-element enrichment, make an understanding of kimberlite petrogenesis important. In this regard, the study of kimberlite has the potential to provide information about the composition of the deep mantle and melting processes occurring at or near the interface between the cratonic continental lithosphere and the underlying convecting asthenospheric mantle.

Morphology and volcanology

Distribution of kimberlites in Africa. Cratons: CA-Central African (Kasai), SA-South African (Kalahari), WA-West African; Kimberlites (shown as red dots): B-Banankoro, Cu-Cuango Valley, Do-Dokolwayo, F-Finsch, G-Gope, J-Kwaneng, Ja-Jagersfontein, k-Koidu, Kb-Kimberley, Ko-Koffiefontein, L-Letlhakane, Le-Letseng, Lu-Lunda, M-Mitzic, Mb-Mbuji-Mayi, Mw-Mwadui, O-Orapa, P-Primier, R-River Ranch, V-Venetia.
Many kimberlite structures are emplaced as carrot-shaped, vertical intrusions termed "pipes". This classic carrot shape is formed due to a complex intrusive process of kimberlitic magma, which inherits a large proportion of CO2 (lower amounts of H2O) in the system, which produces a deep explosive boiling stage that causes a significant amount of vertical flaring.

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Are these possibly the Great Atlantean Temple Crystals heralded to exist placed below the levels of Arkansas?

Are they actually an alloy conglomerate of quartz, silver and gold?

If so, were they manifested through other world technology?

An apt question as the frequency of crystalline electron gold is capable of combining with specific types of high frequency quartz to enable the blending and molding of dimensional fields through an electro alchemical process that transforms atomic structure.

What if the master crystals that lie beneath Arkansas have transferred their vibration to the quartz that is indigenous to the area?

Then, what if the three higher dimensional crystals, which contain a higher dimensional alloy of gold conglomerate have since imbued the naturally occurring quartz beds with these exotic elemental properties?

What if the crystals from the Arkansas Mountain carry a unique, harmonic which is especially potent?

Are not all crystals alive in a real sense with an ordered consciousness and self awareness?

What IF they are the bearers of Records?

Wouldn't each carry specific and unique blueprint patterns?

Wouldn't the powerful harmonic be formed by the concentrated electricity and magnetics being emitted by the intersecting Ley Lines of Arkansas.

As many are well aware from their studies and research, electricity and magnetism are components of Light energy.

The spectrum of light humans are able to see is but a small fraction in comparison to the magnificent geometric light of the higher spectrum.
See sources for further research from scientific articles.

What about the 5th dimensional gamma spectrum of light?

Does humanity yet have to understand what kind of energy these are capable of generating?

What if the use of magnetic energies along with etheric light [light above and below the visible spectrum] so light humanity refers to as ultraviolet and gamma, which is used to both subdue and amplify crytals?

Is this one of the ancient secrets of Atlantean Crystal Technology?

Will this come fully back into some of humanity's conscious remembrance in the near future?

#RememberWhoYouARE perhaps?

Is the energy of the Arkansas crystal fields on a higher dimension than that of a multi dimensional octahedron that has formed itself to that of the levels of the 9th - 12th dimensional fields?

Is the energy then transformed through the hexagonal of quartz to the octahedron of gold, quartz and diamond?

Diamonds project both octahedral and dodecahedral geometry.

The kimberlite volcano pipes in Arkansas that bears the energy of diamond, transformed the cube to an octahedron.

The hexahedron cubic is enclosed in the octahedron.

Is this part of the memory being activated~

20,000 earth years ago, some took a sacred oath to the Atlara Angelic Council and have upheld their oath to this very day.

Did some vow in that day to save the knowledge and have kept that vow.
Did some vow to save the crystals as they contained the power of the universe and have kept that vow?
Did some vow to assist all human beings of the world in their ascension to the higher realms and have kept their word?
Did some vow on a fateful day in ancient Atlantis before divine brothers and sisters that there would be a return in the future to reactivate the powerful master crystals and return this world back to the paradise it was always meant to be?

Who was the original programmer of these crystals if they do indeed exist?

What about all of the knowledge stored in the crystalline Akashic grid [the Living Library]?

When will it all FLOW?
Data, knowledge and ability to tune it?
What about reading it?

Who all has the sufficient light quotient to sense the energy of these Living Master Crystals?
Who is able to receive these high vibrational light codes?

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The Magnet Cove igneous complex lies to the west of the town. The area is known for its abundance of odd minerals, including magnetite usually in the form of lodestone,[9] as well as many other species such as rutile, anatase, brookite, perovskite, and some rare-earth-bearing minerals.

the Ouachitas, are a mountain range in western Arkansas and southeastern Oklahoma. They are formed by a thick succession of highly deformed Paleozoic strata constituting the Ouachita Fold and Thrust Belt, one of the important orogenic belts of North America. The Ouachitas continue in the subsurface to the northeast, where they make a poorly understood connection with the Appalachians and to the southwest, where they join with the Marathon uplift area of West Texas. Together with the Ozark Plateaus, the Ouachitas form the U.S. Interior Highlands. The highest natural point is Mount Magazine at 2,753 feet (839 m).

The Ouachita Mountains is a Level III ecoregion designated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). The region has been subdivided into six Level IV ecoregions.

The Fourche Mountains (EPA Level IV ecoregion 36d) are a long, continuous chain of east-west mountains composed of the weather-resistant Jackfork Sandstone. They extend from Pulaski County, Arkansas to Atoka County, Oklahoma and are home to several popular sites of interest, including Pinnacle Mountain State Park near Little Rock, Arkansas. The highest natural point is Rich Mountain at 2,681 feet (817 m), which intersects the Arkansas-Oklahoma border near Mena, Arkansas.

Unlike many ranges in the United States, the Ouachitas are mostly east-west trending. They are unique because metamorphism and volcanism, features that are common in orogenic belts, are notably absent (with the exception of some low-grade metamorphism). Due to the high degree of folding and faulting, the Ouachitas are clustered into distinct subranges, with ridges separated by relatively broad valleys.

The Ouachitas are known for some of the world's finest quartz, especially around Mount Ida, Arkansas, the quartz capital of the world.[16] The quartz formed after the Ouachita Orogeny when fractures in rocks filled with silica-saturated fluids and, over millions of years, precipitated crystals up to several feet in length. The Ouachitas are also known for novaculite, a variety of chert that has undergone low-grade metamorphism; particular grades found only in Arkansas are used for making whetstones.

The mountains were home to the Ouachita tribe, for which they were named. Later French explorers translated the name to its present spelling. The first recorded exploration was in 1541 by Hernando de Soto. Later, in 1804, President Jefferson sent William Dunbar and Dr. George Hunter to the area after the Louisiana Purchase. Hot Springs National Park became one of the nation's first parks in 1832. The Battle of Devil's Backbone was fought here at the ridge of the same name in 1863. In August 1990, the U.S. Forest Service discontinued clearcutting as the primary tool for harvesting and regenerating short leaf, pine and hardwood forests in the Ouachita National Forest.

The Ouachita Mountains contain the Ouachita National Forest, Hot Springs National Park and Lake Ouachita, as well as numerous state parks and scenic byways mostly throughout Arkansas. They also contain the Ouachita National Recreation Trail, a 223-mile-long (359 km) hiking trail through the heart of the mountains. The trail runs from Talimena State Park in Oklahoma to Pinnacle Mountain State Park near Little Rock. It is a well maintained, premier trail for hikers, backpackers, and mountain bikers (for only selected parts of the trail).

The Talimena Scenic Drive begins at Mena, and traverses 54 miles (87 km) of Winding Stair and Rich Mountains, long narrow east-west ridges which extend into Oklahoma. Rich Mountain reaches an elevation of 2,681 feet (817 m) in Arkansas near the Oklahoma border. The two lane winding road is similar in routing, construction, and scenery to the Blue Ridge Parkway of the Appalachian Mountains.

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