Ever Got Your Heart Broken?

in heartbreak •  6 years ago 

“Heartbreak could be lived with if it weren’t accompanied by regret.”Excited for today’s topic ? Well I am a hell lot excited about this one. Don’t worry I am not going to make this topic make you sad or cry. It’s just that nowadays people are finding their so-called “True Love”(Will talk about this too) , and getting heart breaks in return. So why not write something on it! However , this is Ishaan Bhojwani and this is my 2nd blog. Let’s start.

So,what do you really mean by the term heart-break? It’s simple. When someone breaks your heart,then the end result is known as heart-break ( Wow such a genius ) . Actually it means a lot more than just this. Heart-break means that when someone who you give your whole time , attention , love , care ; and in return the person leaves you and your heart shattered into pieces on the ground because of some either very dumb or a selfish reason. Woah! But my friend , don’t worry , you are not alone here. Many hearts do get together and many hearts break EVERY SINGLE DAY. And you know what? It’s totally Okay!

Types of Heart-Breaks

So you now know , what are heart breaks? Now let’s ask a question ,”How many types of heart breaks are there in the real world?” . Well , don’t worry I have got this covered up for you too ! There are several types of heart breaks.

THE HEART TYPE HEARTBREAKS : Wondering what type is this? Ah , it is the best known type ( and the most relatable ) you would find. What is this? You might have experienced that when you care and love a specific person ( either of your age or some other ) so much and just want to keep them for your whole life ,Yes people this one is for you , and in a single moment they just find any stupid reason ( rarely logical ) to just leave you and your so-called dumb life. I know that feeling is the most painful feeling you can ever get. Pieces of your heart fallen down by the person you had trusted that he/she would protect them the most. That type of painful heartbreak is known as the Heart type of heartbreak.
THE SOCIETY TYPE HEARTBREAKS: These heart breaks are caused so badly that it just makes you feel that you are no more worth to this bloody society. This includes insults in front of public , not giving freedom , not allowing your children to roam , not giving people the required respect etc etc. These are majorly caused by parents or the relatives ( oh god this is another funny topic ) . These heart breaks make you feel that you are no more important and not required in the society. But don’t worry dude , we always have a solution to a problem.(Motivational section in the last)
THE REJECTION TYPE HEART BREAKS: These heart breaks are very hard to take. Suppose , you are preparing for a competitive exam / interview. You just sacrifice your days and nights for that one dream position. But what happens is , for some reason , you fail and are not able to complete your dream ! How harsh right? Feeling the pain through this blog? Don’t worry as you have a surprise in the end which will make you go from 🙁 to 🙂 .
Then What Is True Love?

Hey , what the hell is this topic doing in between such an emotional post? Don’t worry buds , I decided to tell you about True Love in short 🙂 ( Because this will lift up and cheer up your mood ) . However , let’s start. “True love” , oh , this is difficult. When in true love , you experience that you are the most important person in this world! Like yes , it is the most beautiful feeling in this world 🙂 You start living your life and I mean by that you literally start feeling that you have a specific reason to live. You actually start smiling when the person is around from the inside! But You know a fact? True love can both destroy you or just make up your whole life ! When a person genuinely cares for their soul mate , makes them eat food ( even by hand! ) , tells them how much he/she loves them , take small steps ( like presenting small gifts , singing favourite songs etc) , takes responsibility and makes them their 1st and best priority (Yah feel me? ) , respects them , tells them regularly how much beautiful they look , always make them choose the right decisions , stand ( not behind or in front ) but with them side by side [ And if I write more about them how will I end this because it does not have an end 🙂 ] etc etc. Then ladies and gentlemen , you have found your true love 🙂 Well , if not achieved , true love can even destroy your life and make it worser than hell.

But Why Do Heartbreaks Hurt So Much?
Coming back to the topic , you might be asking a question , ” Why do heart breaks hurt soooo much ? ” And that too specially heart type heart breaks (See my types of heartbreak section ) ? The answer to this question is also obvious. When someone for whom you might have killed a dragon to save them , they might not even fly a mosquito for you ! ( Sorry for this weird example though. ) It’s simple that , the person for whom you just sacrificed your dreams and gave them the attention , always kept listening to them , loose your friends just because they needed that “extra time” and so on.. When the person would just go by saying , “Hey I think it is not working between us and I am leaving you” , then you would surely be heartbroken . Let’s see some crazy fact for this too for why heartbreaks hurt sooo much?

Some study of people who recently lost their spouse found the stress involved with mourning upped the risk of dying from a heart attack by 20 to 35 percent. Looks like heartbreak really can hurt the human heart.

                                     What To Do After A Heartbreak? 

Hooray! You have successfully reached the motivational section! Thanks tho for reading up till here 🙂 So , What to do after a heartbreak? These are no science tips or no extra gyaan but just something from the inside.

Know this that only YOU can heal yourself from a heartbreak. Yes this is true! Probably no tip or guide will be able to heal you perfectly. Only you can move on from a relationship / person / bad incident with that person. SO JUST BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.
Break the relation as a whole from the person. What do i mean from this? Deleting your ex’s phone number , not meeting them regularly , ignoring their messages/calls , blocking them and STOP TALKING TO THEM. It will become better as you will start implementing this.
Make yourself realise that you are good and the person who left you or whom you left is the wrong (in form of a teacher) here and you need to stay away . So,here you need a strong reason for this(it can be the reason why he/she left) apparently because you need to constantly keep reminding yourself about the same mistakes and reason.If you love them you would never see them doing bad but as a human you need to differentiate whether the person whom you love the most is right or wrong 🙂
And the last of all , believe in yourself. This is a great tool to remove your tears and get your smile back! You are no bad. Everybody has their flaws , everybody has committed a mistake. Dude , your ex was also not a perfect person! IT IS ALL OKAY ! If it was mean to be over , it just got over! Stop crying every night yourself to bed. Stop cutting your wrist for that foolish person which does not even care about you. Stop BLAMING yourself buddy. Hear me out , you are a very good person ! Better than you ex probably ( lol who doesn’t think that ) . You are a masterpiece and you know what ? You have got only one life and you have these years to make the best out of it ! So stop reacting and start acting!
Hey guys this was my Blog number 2. If you buds liked it then please like and share this as much as possible 🙂 Also , you can mention a message for the person who broke your heart in the comment section below ! Have a nice day champ !
Thank you 🙂

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