The nactor of pain

in heartbreak •  7 years ago 

The Nectar of Pain is a collection of poetry and prose that the pain of love and loss gave birth to. This collection of poetry that I share from my soul with you follows what most of us go through after experiencing a painful heartbreak. Overall, there may be stages of healing, but cleansing yourself of the pain day by day, hour by hour and second by second is the real struggle. Healing is not as predictable as we would like it to be. We may take ten steps forward one day, and take twenty back the next day. As we walk this journey together, some poems will address you. Some will address the one who caused the pain. And some will address myself. Yourself. Ourselves.When pain knocks on your door, let it in. If you don't,it will knockharder and harder. Its voice will becomelouder and louder.So let it in. Spend some time with it. Understand it.Then walk it to the doorand let it leave becauseit's time for you to welcomehappiness.

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