Seriptural Reading:prov 28:1-5
wickedness is a form of witchcraft. No wonder Jesus wared us not to be partakers in evil and wickedness. Righteousness make one blod as lion. Therefore do not be a partaker in acts of wickedness.
No wicked person has an inheritance before the lord. The wicked why the psalmist said: from of arrangements, system, and appointment in government that cause pain sorrow and and tears.
Any portfolio, appointment, business or network that pay you well and make you rich but cause pain, sorrrow and tears to others is certainly not the will of god for. Do not take part in wickedness
Reflection: Am i partaking in wikedness?
- Lord have mercy on me for partaking in wickedness, knowingly or unknowingly
- Pray also that those who benefit from wicked acts may repent and server the lord.
- In the name of Jesus i resist every from of wickedness in my life.
Thanks you God bless you