Heart Progress...Back With a Vengeance?

in heartprogress •  7 years ago  (edited)

It is like a disgusting game of whack-a-mole, except for the moles are pedophiles and we are the clubs. No matter how determined we seem to be, the nasty little vermin keep popping their rabid heads up out of their dark, disgusting holes.

#Heartprogress foundation has an active facebook page. You will find the link and screen shots at the end of this post. Their page is complete with their specific brand of cheap propaganda memes and self-proclaimed "child lovers." They are even using their real names. More to come on the specific members and their connections to "Young and Warm."



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Thank you, I've been fighting these pedosadist freaks for a year, they need to go down...hard.

I'm sorry, but some things will never be accepted...