Eat healthy

in heathy •  8 years ago 

That spare tire you're toting around could be increasing your risk of an early death, a new study suggests.

What's more, the increased risk associated with having a larger waistline occurs even if a person's body-mass index (BMI) indicates a healthy weight, said lead researcher Emmanuel Stamatakis. He's an associate professor with the University of Sydney in Australia.

People who carry extra weight around the middle -- also called "central obesity" -- but have a normal BMI have a 22% higher risk of death than people whose fat is stored elsewhere in their bodies, the study found. In folks with a BMI that indicates obesity, the risk of early death was 13% higher for those with central obesity.

Do not wait till your case is like our dear Uncle needing a tripod to keep gravity from toppling him over belly-first 😃😁. Work with us to lose the weight and belly fat safely, naturally, effectively and sustainably. #LetzTalkToday!

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😂😂😂😂 very funny