Who was Yeshu ha Notzri ? Was he Jesus the Nazarene ? ישו הנוצרי

in hebrew •  7 years ago 

Execution of Yeshu ha Notzri on the Eve of Passover - Talmud, Sanhedrin 43a

The story of the Crucifixion, the Execution of Jesus is not limited to the Christian New Testament Gospel stories found in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.....

Some people believe that this story was invented many years after the 1st century, however, there are many sources outside of the Bible that describe the life and death of Jesus Christ who in the Jewish Tradition is called Yeshu ha Notzri which means "Jesus the Nazarene"

Notzri or Netzer means "Branch" ... and signifies that Jesus was from the Branch of David, the stem of Jesse. Nazarene does not mean that he was from Nazareth, it means that he was from the Royal line (Branch) of King David

He was in fact a Jewish Prince. (nasi) נְשִׂיא

Talmud Sanhedrin 43a

" It is taught: On the eve of Passover they hung Yeshu and the crier went forth for forty days beforehand declaring that "Yeshu is going to be stoned for practicing witchcraft, for enticing and leading Israel astray. Anyone who knows something to clear him should come forth and exonerate him." But no one had anything exonerating for him and they hung him on the eve of Passover. Ulla said: Would one think that we should look for exonerating evidence for him? He was an enticer and G-d said (Deuteronomy 13:9) "Show him no pity or compassion, and do not shield him." Yeshu was different because he was close to the government. [Royal Family] "

Yeshu ha Notzri : The references to Notzrim in the Babylonian Talmud are related to the meaning and person of Yeshu Ha Notzri ("Jesus the Nazarene") in the Talmud and Tosefta. This includes passages in the Babylonian Talmud such as Sanhedrin 107b which states "Jesus the Nazarene practiced magic and led Israel astray" The Jerusalem Talmud contains other coded references to Jesus such as "Jesus ben Pantera," (Pandera means Betrayer*) while the references using the term notzri are restricted to the Babylon Talmud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazarene_%28title%29

Notzri" (נוצרי) from the Hebrew NTzR = Branch Ne·tzer

ne·tser (נֵ֫צֶר, n-ts-r), pronounced nay'·tser, meaning "branch", "flower", or "offshoot". Derived from na·tsar. Jerome (c. 347 – 420) linked "Nazarene" to a verse in the Book of Isaiah, claiming that "Nazarene" was the Hebrew reading of a word scholars read as ne·tzer (branch).The text from Isaiah is: There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, And a Branch shall grow out of his roots.

Source: http://yeshuhanotzri.blogspot.ca/2016/02/execution-of-yeshu-ha-notzri-on-eve-of.html

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Yes, there is so much we don't know with all the misinformation that has been handed down to us. Here is an interesting interview about Jesus:

I have not yet read this book, "Saving Jesus" by Dr. Miceal Ledwith, but I hope to get it from my library and read it.

It looks like a very Interesting book .... The name "Jesus" in Hebrew is Yeshua... which means Salvation

Does he read hebrew and Aramaic ? I think it is almost impossible to understand Jesus without knowing Hebrew and Aramaic, the languages he spoke and taught.

I do not know the answer to your question, but as I understand it, the book was done with a great deal of research and is heavily referenced.

fascinating stuff - thanks for sharing @offgridlife. how do you enter hebrew letters in your posts? copy and paste or is there a way to alt-code a standard keyboard?

I am just beginning to study Hebrew and your posts are real eye openers. I'm finding that Hebrew words have meaning and even the Hebrew letters tell a story within the word - absolutely fascinating stuff.

I'll certainly look into the Branch and Nazareth and Nazarene more closely.

I am learning through reading the Bible on Chabad.org where I can copy and paste the Hebrew words here on Steemit ... http://www.chabad.org/library/bible_cdo/aid/8165/jewish/Chapter-1.htm

Wow! this is awesome - I did not know about www,chabad.org - now I have even more to study - thanks!

You're welcome ... @hebrew is teaching Hebrew here on Steemit for Free

thanks for the leads, I'll check @hebrew out too.