WONO: The first freelancer platform that allow both freelancers and their employers to earn token.

in hecochain •  3 years ago  (edited)

Time is what you make of it. Do you have an urge to be creative, a passion to excel, the desire to grow & spread all your limbs, and a never-ending thirst for more knowledge? This is the time.

Do you want to get paid for any talented service you ever offered?
Many talents are dragging their feet because of a lack of information about the best platform that offers it.
Do you know that you are in a driver’s seat? You actually made research up to this level and you have found the best platform to showcase your freelance talent. Please don’t wait again.

You will get a unique freelance experience and pump your wallet according to how you want it.
This unique platform is called WONO.

A rapidly growing international ecosystem. It is a talent marketplace that has users from Africa, Asia, America, and Europe. WONO platform has more than one hundred thousand active users. You can work as a freelance worker and other typical services that can be offered.

Their freelance work include digital marketing, software development, graphic design, translation etcetera


WONO is after users’ convenient experience. To ensure this, they have designed a service for discussing job descriptions and users' payment sizes. They design it in such a way that the employers will easily pay for the job executed.



WONO currently has registered users of 518,000. From this figure, they have 120,000 active monthly users and 8,000 monthly paying users.
WONO provide additional opportunity for freelancer and crypto enthusiast


WONO has a staking offer that is open for anyone (active users and external investors). You can participate in their staking and receive free premium membership coupled with your service promotion which can bring more visitors to your page.
Your participation in their staking earns you zero commission on all your deal. WONO covers transaction expenses because you participated in their staking. You will have free access to the NFT certificate of your work. This can serve as a prove and protect your right as the owner of the service.


WONO launched its project in November 2019. Their advisory board was created around January 2020. The advisory board is to help improve the product passed on expert advice.
They reached their 10,000 registered users in march 2020. WONO launched its simplified deal for freelancers around May 2020. They attained 50,000 registered users in July 2020 and 100,000 users in December 2020.
A new notification system emerged for all users in march 2021. Service launched took place in May 2021 where the freelancer can publish multiple services. Reached 500,000 registered users in September 2021, with 100,000 active monthly users.
They launch their staking system and WONO token this December 2021.


WONO token is an HRC-20 standard token that can be transferred over the HECO chain. The token emission is limited and this brings space to create the condition for price growth.



This is a bounty article written for bounty reward.
Bounty0x username;- @nice2you

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