RE: Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, Continuing Digestive Issues and H.Pylori Bacteria (Light at the end of the Tunnel!!)

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Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome, Continuing Digestive Issues and H.Pylori Bacteria (Light at the end of the Tunnel!!)

in helicobacter •  7 years ago 

It seems that your issues were caused by the infection, not azadirachtin poisoning. For months I suffered from an unidentifiable digestive issue. I tested negative for H. Pylori and taking a ppi helped my symptoms but did not resolve them. I had very bad indigestion and bloating, I could barely eat anything. I lost 8 lbs which is significant because I only weighed 115 to begin with. After I stopped smoking the issue was all but gone. I recently procured some cannabis that I know was grown without azadirachtin or neem oil, and it produced the same effects in me. CHS is a real thing that I believe I was in the beginning stages of. I'm glad you've recovered, but CHS is not azadirachtin poisoning.

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There Have Been a Tiny Fraction

of cases where I've not been able to trace the issue to azadirachtin. You sound like you're one of those. Cannabis is a hyper/dynamic accumulator and I'll lay dollars to donuts the cannabis is absorbing something which is causing your problem. I'm still dubious there's a 'pure' cannabis issue at the heart of it.

In time we'll see. Hopefully you figure out what yours is.

I Still Have Aza

issues, they're just much less severe without the H.Pylori infection. I've also been keeping myself away from the more heavily tainted cannabis. The most significant aza effects are headache and pain from muscle tension.

This is possible. I was fairly certain that my issues were caused by aza because my indigestion began within a week of switching to a new source, and I began to get eczema on my fingers at the same time. I also had tension headaches every day untiI I stopped smoking cannabis from this source. I had very severe reflux as an infant, and I know that reflux can be caused by low stomach acid as well as high stomach acid. I also know that cannabis reduces bodily fluid secretions, including stomach acid. Perhaps long term use lowered my stomach acid level to the point that I had difficulty digesting food. I wish that cannabis were legal on the federal level so more research could be done on its effects.

Definitely Looking Forward

to Federal legalization. When this happens, the truth will flow and people will become educated. Quite a few improvements will happen to the world at this point. ;)

I should add that I believe I've experienced the "fish hooks" pain that you've described before. Sometimes after smoking, when I bent backwards I could feel a sharp pain in my abdomen at two spots near the bottom of my rib cage. Sometimes this pain would be aggravated just by walking. My stomach pain was never severe, what I felt was mostly bloating and feeling that my stomach contents were rising up my esophagus, but I never vomited. I also did not notice that my symptoms were eased by a hot shower. Perhaps my stomach pain wasn't severe enough for me to notice it being lessened in the shower. I don't think my symptoms match very well with CHS, but they do unfortunately stop me from smoking without discomfort.