Old Age Will Come

in hellenismos •  3 years ago 


Old age will come
I can feel it in my bones
And with it, they say, comes wisdom
But I fear they lie
And I must seek it out
In my prayers to you, O Goddess
And my longing to be better
Is in your hands
As I ask for your blessings

Old age may come
But you are ageless
And your wisdom eternal
I ask only to be blessed by it
The longing to know
The desire to understand
The will to put that knowledge to work
In your divine service
O blessed and watchful Athena

Old age my break my skin
With lesions and cancers
With tired feet and energy lost
But my spirit shall never break
So long as I am with you
And you are with me
Walking toward my end
With strength of spirit and mind
Athena’s shield to protect me

Old age my whither my body
And cause me pain unfathomable
As my time grows short
And the light of life dims
But never will I give up
Not so long as there is one more thing to learn
From your divine mind
That never steers me wrong
And always guides me in the right direction

Old age is not my enemy
It is my gift from you
O Lady of the Grey Eyes
Like the clouds of a thunderstorm
Or a cold winter sea
For with old age come learned lessons
Some good, some bad
But all have made me who I am
Athena’s mortal heir and master of my fate

Art: Photography by Marsyas - Restitution du décor polychrome de la déesse Athéna provenant du fronton Ouest temple d'Athéna Aphaia à Égine. Vers 490 av. J.-C. Exposition « Bunte Götter » dans la version montrée à Athènes.Etude : Vinzenze Brinkmann. Restauration : Sylvia Kellner et Olaf Herzog. Peinture : Ulrike Koch-Brinkmann et Sylvia Kellner. Original : Glyptothèque de Munich.

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