Want To Be Featured? Share Your Overcoming Hell Story

in hellisnotreal •  7 years ago 

Hey, Hellbusters! Does it piss you off when people talk about Hell and the Lake of Fire like it's God's burning love message for mankind?

If it does, we'd like to get your rant or story on how you got rid of hadephobia [fear of hell]. Submit a 1000-word testimonial about your awakening. Share your tips on how to put 'hell fear' thoughts out of our mind. Who knows, you might win a Hellbuster Magazine and other gift items for your contribution.

We will post your testimony to our Overcoming Hell column on our website: www.hellisnotreal.com. Just message us your story together with your presentable profile picture (2x2) to our Official Facebook Page @hellisnotreal. That's it!

Enjoy life to infinity and beyond!

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