“hello human” // ep6 // weekend break, back to the grind monday week

in hello-human •  5 years ago 

Hey there, it’s my ‘elevenish’ time, great pause for the money to get active again, take a little walk, get the heart rate up a little, refocus, make a new fresh hot beverage and write out todays ‘hello human’ — Dayle is still in the land of zzzz’s in another timezone, I’ve seen in the equinox this side of the pond and I’ve had a good pump in my skillshare courses because I shared a link with a potential screenflow client on upwork, weird how that works!

Photo by mauro mora on Unsplash

I’m spending the next hour on STACK of videos that I might have missed over the weekend, think of this as a catchup refresher! :) — I kinda went a bit crazy today but hey, it’s all good — I upvoted all these by 5% and left comments for engagement and interaction and just any comments/tips or thoughts as per usual — ENJOY!

don’t forget you can now buy DTC in their first round token sale — https://signup.d.tube/sale.html — Round #1: 148,345 out of 1,000,000 DTC (14.8%) has already gone and I think the price is $0.10 per DTC, if you want to do decentralised video going into 2020, this is the move right here.

gardeningchannel super awesome new channel I never knew about until this morning (why does everything awesome always come from jersey?!) and I subbed straight away, dropped him a message about hello human and also that I do skillshare courses — his youtube link seemed broken so I let him know about that! (He’s got 223k subs too! Wild!)

update — I think the dtube comment box cut it off or something. .. I made him a short link for him to use — https://smarturl.it/gardeningchannel -- I think dtube comment box cuts off long urls or something with the …. anyway, great content, can’t wait to watch more! :)

He’s been posting for a year, can’t believe this is the first time I’ve seen his stuff? WILD! Why is that? Crazy!

freedompoint was talking about downside of crypto based social media and I think there was some value in what they were saying, but I tend to not get involved in these free market discussions because you can live your life just constantly fighting in your mind and views with another human being and miss out on the good stuff of living life as a human on planet earth — I dig the ‘regulators’ comment, man, I used to love warren g — what the hell happened to him? :)

@ hauptmann put out another ‘dear’ video (me and @dayleeo did a massive amount of blog posts back and forth like this but in text) -- I do like the same shot and framing that Hauptmann uses and it’s a nice chatty vlog, I think this is one of the biggest powerful uses of social media when you collaborate together like this on something, I think it can be made much bigger and we have only scratched the surface of what is possible!) — I left a comment about my favourite things but I cheated a little ;)

bitrocker2020 is on a kinda holiday thing today, it’s good to see rocker doing daily vlogs, i think vlogging will become a mainstay in the way that we communicate our lives more and more as AI takes hold — we will want to have that person to person connection even if we see each other less, think of it like the film interstellar sending little video messages back and forth to each other, years, decades apart — if you’ve not seen that film go and watch it today — I left a comment about DTC.

romafedorov I think he wants to be a streamer but does not have the kit to maybe do that full time yet! :) — I told him about brawl wars, that’s something that I play almost daily now, I think we should build a 100 strong team on there, that would be freaking awesome, maybe I should start doing mobile gaming videos as well, especially streams and then a highlight reel maybe in the process? — when I get the second machine I certainly will.

maneco64 i’ve watched a few of these alternative economics videos before and today I actually subscribed. Call it fate, maybe because bakkt is launching dunno but I felt the need to listen today, glad I did. I looked up the word ‘keynesian’ and it was good to have a word to ‘frame’ everything that happens when people in the EU add more zeros to excel spreadsheets.

Keynesian economics was developed by the British economist John Maynard Keynes during the 1930s in an attempt to understand the Great Depression. Keynes advocated for increased government expenditures and lower taxes to stimulate demand and pull the global economy out of the depression

Left a comment on the post because it only had one comment! I think the global economic machine is not only misfiring but it’s rapidly having to adapt to new issues on a scale never seen before from my perspective! It’s all gotta fall apart at some point, get those mesh networks going! :)

rehan12 was talking about education, communication and patience and actually I can’t fault him for picking those three words — with anything in life that’s the focus you gotta have with everything you do, every single day is a blessing that we get to live it and we should do the best with it we can, I’ve been a bit lost on that score (not because of blockchain) but I think I can see the ‘woods’ for the trees and I’m coming into the clearing!

While these ‘motivation’ posts are ‘ok’ I’d really like to dtubers become much bigger advocates for their collective communities by giving clear steps that people can do to make better content that might attract a higher turnover and retention of users coming here because they don’t get that content anywhere else

alokkumar121 was talking about ‘social media’ and people tweeting today, I left a comment about how I stopped promoting steem on twitter because of the sheer noise of people effectively ‘spamming’ twitter just to rank high in the daily usage of hashtags for steem — while I understand that awareness is by using it as outreach, it has to have something of value for the person at the other end. He discusses it today in his video. I left a comment.

taskmaster4450 every time I watch a video with taskmaster and he has his glasses on I think of him as a police state ranger. He reminds me of every 80’s cop movie I’ve ever seen, he’s a bad ass. I love the way he looks at things — today it was about decentralise amazon. Quality video!

old-guy-photos how much money has old guy got? He’s constantly looking at houses! I must ask him how many houses he owns at some point and if he just buys up all the foreclosures. left him a comment, stunning sunset on this daily vlog too

adventuroussoul put up a video about Abseiling 55 FLOORS With SWEATY PALMS and I just COULD NOT WATCH IT, just a few frames and that was it, I’m not particularly good with heights, something I’ve yet to get over in my life. Not sure I ever will! But PROPS for doing this!

joythewanderer is living at the height of wanderlust, she was in some kind of super rad market place yesterday and I can’t think of a better thing to do than hang around and eat food, drink beer, and just enjoy the ambience of a place like that on a Sunday.

elsiekjay posted a video about daily vloggers and that it was fine to post daily because it was ‘free money’ — I do wonder how the platform will change and the voting when main net happens thou. It’s funny how we get used to something like it’s always gonna be there — we always seem to get back to this conversation about quality too, I guess something is quality if it impacted you and inspired you in some way. That’s what a quality would look like to me and in a free market economy, well it’s open for discussion!

Well that’s me for today, I just compiled a bunch of videos that I left comments on and watched today, I left them upvotes and engaged with their content, remember that when you see a ZERO comment video, drop them a little message how the video made you feel and connect with your fellow humans!

All it takes is a little ‘hello human’ ;)

Peace and hugs and love and whisky shots.
__humble x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoblemusic video can you spot me?

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