The ten most dangerous cities in the world are in Latin America, according to a report

in hello •  7 years ago 

Four are in Venezuela, according to the latest ranking prepared by the Council for Public Security and Justice of Mexico
A list recently published by the Citizen Council for Public Security and Criminal Justice (Ccspjp) of Mexico, contains a ranking of the 50 most dangerous cities in the world.

The study compares 2016 data on homicide rates per 100 thousand inhabitants in hundreds of cities around the world, although it does not include cities with a population of less than 300 thousand inhabitants or those in armed conflict.

According to the data of the report published in April 2017, of the 50 cities that lead the ranking, the first ten are Latin American.

"With a rate of 130.35 homicides per 100 thousand inhabitants, Caracas was the most violent city in the world as in 2015, a condition that confirms the serious crisis of crime and crime that overwhelms Venezuela, in addition to other very serious problems," he says. the organization.

Venezuela is the country that has more cities among the top positions in the ranking. In addition to Caracas; Maturín, Ciudad Guayana and Valencia are also on the list.

The list also includes cities in Mexico, Honduras, El Salvador and Brazil. The previous edition of this document included Cape Town, in South Africa, among the first ten. In 2017 the South African city fell to 13th place.

In Latin America, 8% of the world population is concentrated. However, 33% of violent deaths in the world take place in this region. One explanation for this imbalance is the inequality that some of these countries present, especially those of the Central American region and the violence generated by drug trafficking in these same places.


  1. Caracas, Venezuela (130,35)

  2. Acapulco, México (113,24)

  3. San Pedro Sula, Honduras (112,09)

  4. Distrito Central, Honduras (85,09)

  5. Ciudad Victoria, México (84,67)

  6. Maturín, Venezuela (84,21)

  7. San Salvador, El Salvador (83,39)

  8. Ciudad Guayana, Venezuela (82,84)

  9. Valencia, Venezuela (72,02)

  10. Natal, Brasil (69,56)444.png

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