Please remove the following HTML element from your post:<html>

in help •  8 years ago  (edited)


I have tried to post an article today with images and could not find a toolbar with the upload button on Steem Image to get the image HTML codes.  I then tried to upload the images on Steemit in the Raw HTML mode which worked, I was, however, stuck in that mode and could not revert back to the Editor mode.

I tried searching for solutions and found many post having the same issue but without a solution.  I tried the suggested proposed solutions and none of these has worked.

I have spent the whole day trying to upload my article to the point of absolute frustration.

I welcome your help greatly.

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How I do it: find image that can be used, copy link to image then write

![leave this empty](paste link of image here)

Hey @zeronumbers,

thank you for taking the time to give a helping hand, very much appreciated. I have upvoted your comment to thank you for your help. I already got it sorted by a lovely young lady @m31 who helped me in chat last night.

This information is for anyone experiencing the same problem. Sign-up with, upload your pics, click on the pic you want an HTML code for and copy the direct link to add images to your article.