Tonight I was able to encourage someone to read there Bible.

in help •  6 years ago 

I told the lady that its like a spotlight was turned on when I read the Voice Translation of the Bible, and since she had previously told me that she was not reading the Bible much, I was able to encourage her to read 1 Corinthians 6. It was fun to see the ladies eyes almost light up because it seemed to me that she had finally received a blueprint that could help her navigate through the emotional roller coasters in her life. The lady had just listened to a speaker that publicaly stated (something like) since GOD gives us Salavation, it does not matter if a person is living in sin. I think that the man's reasoning was that a person only needs Faith in GOD, and Salvation has nothing to do with the works that we do. Of course the man was teaching a lie and I attempted to find James 2:14-26, but I was unable to find it at that moment so I just told her that in the Book of James it says that 'if someone says that they have faith but does not show his faith by his works then the faith of the man is as good as useless'

14 Brothers and sisters, it doesn’t make any sense to say you have faith and act in a way that denies that faith. Mere talk never gets you very far, and a commitment to Jesus only in words will not save you. 15 It would be like seeing a brother or sister without any clothes out in the cold and begging for food, and 16 saying, “Shalom, friend, you should get inside where it’s warm and eat something,” but doing nothing about his needs—leaving him cold and alone on the street. What good would your words alone do? 17 The same is true with faith. Without actions, faith is useless. By itself, it’s as good as dead. 18 I know what you’re thinking: “OK, you have faith. And I have actions. Now let’s see your faith without works, and I’ll show you a faith that works.”

Don’t you realize that faith without works is useless, like a glove without a hand or a hat without a head?

19 Do you think that just believing there’s one God is going to get you anywhere? The demons believe that, too, and it terrifies them! 20 The fact is, faith has to show itself through works performed in faith. If you don’t recognize that, then you’re an empty soul. 21 Wasn’t our father Abraham made right with God by laying his son Isaac on the altar? 22 The faith in his heart was made known in his behavior. In fact, his commitment was perfected by his obedience. 23 That’s what Scripture means when it says, “Abraham entrusted himself to God, and God credited him with righteousness.”[a] And living a faithful life earned Abraham the title of “God’s friend.”[b] 24 Just like our father in the faith, we are made right with God through good works, not simply by what we believe or think. 25 Even Rahab the prostitute was made right with God by hiding the spies and aiding in their escape.[c] 26 Removing action from faith is like removing breath from a body. All you have left is a corpse.

She said that she was familiar with the concept, because it is like a saying that she quotes 'actions speak louder than words'

But I am going to provide a link to the verses that I was able to point to her


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