I had this short chat yesterday with a newbie who I introduced to Steemit a while back when I had to do some shopping to square things up. He is a young computer engineer I met back then in my days of mettalurgical/material engineering studies.
Me: Have u completed that Steemit registration?
Him: Yes ooo.
But something happened
After waiting for 2weeks
I was sent a link through which my password was given after activiting my acct
I saw what people were postting..
Then the next day I want to log in
They said I should log on with password but the password is like a mechine code very long
I was not able to write it down.....so I went back to my gmail to pass through the link that my password was sent...
Unfortunately....they said that my acct is already in. Existence..
So since then if I try loging in normally it asks for my password....
I don't know what to do next to retrieve it back
Me: Did u log in with phone or computer?
Him: Computer
Me: What did u use as username?
Him: Welsonbaz
I don't know if anyone can help me with a link to read or the actual description of how to resolve the issue.
Posted using Partiko Android