D-tube - how do I do it?

in help •  7 years ago 

Hi, guys!

So, I just filmed a short vlog, and now I'd love to download it to d-tube, but....

OK, my technical English is much worse then my colloquial. May be I can ask for some help from the ones who already use it?

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It requires my steemit nickname - yes, it has found it. But it also requires master password. What I want to ask here - is it safe? I mean, is d-tube an official service, connected with steemit? I'm sorry if this question sounds silly, but well, I'm an artist and I know nothing about cryptocurrency, safety ect.

Plus one more question - is it possible to upload videos there from my mobile phone? You know, like it works with youtube? 

P.S. I just spent 10 minutes looking for private keys. In earlier steemit desighn I found them with no problems. Where are they now? O_o

I wish you all the best and will be happy if you'll support me with vote:)

Love, Inber

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dtube connected with steemit, if the security problem might be able to find out on dtube directly. I think the private key is still in place (the original place).

Maybe only I can share it, I hope to help you even if only a little.

Thank you anyway! I hope may be when my hubby will be home he will check out it for me

U welcome, that is a good idea
very good if we can know it first before heading there^^

Yer it appears safe as long as your careful with your privet key (as always). Take a bit of getting used to, I have not uploaded in a while and think the bugs are fixed. But is you struggle try in a different browser! I used Opera and it work ok. Best of luck 💯🐒