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This is what bugs me out the most....People are attacking you guys about a story that you told the world about a year ago....this is nuts and it gets me upset.... I could understand if it was something your were hiding but you have been honest with everyone from the start and I applaud and commend you for keeping it real... At the end of the day your past is nobody else's business.... this little storm will be over and you guys will still be doing your thing!!!!! STEEM ON!!!!!!!

Exactly one year ago posted!

Let the past be the past!
I have learned Body Language and Facial Micro Expressions throughout the years.
I'm not gonna say anything on that video because it's not my job whether it is true or not.
I don't really enter into others bubble of life

Once again keep the past the past, and move on if you cannot move on, means you aren't ready and you should heal it within yourself, rather than believe that others should know about this, or to do it for you. They just can't and do not have that power. You do!

Healing any situation as a spiritual advisor can only come from yourself.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Is this why you are auto flagging their post. It would be different if they hid all of this? I guess this is how the platform works. It's a bit dangerous if newcomers see drama like this being played out.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Thanks for the tip. Looks like the story is true after all. I m not hating but their actions really turns me off.

Banging! Why wouldn't a guy pay for a picture! :0 Ad be pissed if these pictures of my wife was online tho! I feel for Craig in that aspect!

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment


You're killing these haters with beauty, happiness, success, family and a smile. Keep doing that. They WISH they had any part of any ONE of these things for themselves. If they did, they wouldn't be on here lying, hating and trying to drag everyone else DOWN to their level.

I've been following you and Craig for a bit because I feel you are both very transparent about what you are doing and are trying to show people a path to take if they so choose to take it. I am sorry for all the drama you guys are having to put up with and I hope it goes away, for your sake, and for the sake of the followers.

I think most of the hardcore followers are aware of what these people want us to be aware of, so let us make our own judgments, or lack of judgments, because I do not know what I do not know.

What a crazy world we living in, people blame the victim to an account that someone else did. Keep moving forward dont let them stop you.

wow that is a very interesting story! Ignore the haters, they are idiots!

That really is crazy. I don't get why people want to blame you for that or hold you accountable for something someone else did. Its sad you had to go through that. Good to see you haven't let it hold you back. Keep up the fight.

It's funny how ridiculous these haters sound

simply kill haters with your smile when other can;t reach to your level they start criticising don't think about them just share your vlogs we are here to support you till the end

That is INSANE , sad what people do

Quite sad that some folks have drag this issues and have gone on a campaign, they have their agenda. Live, Laugh and Be Happy. Don't belittle yourself to their sad state. Very sad that they have gone way to personal. I wish you success, long life and prosperity. Keep strong and tell your partner One Love. Keep the good vibes flowing

And the bombshell drops... LOL

Hi @yuliana, just don't dive a damn about haters! Don't even spend 5 seconds of your energy!

The beautiful girls has always been, is and will be envious, do not pay attention and you will be left behind. They are like trolls feed on your attention.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I think you are doing a great job. I am so glad there are people out there that see straight through their bullshit. It's about time they get what they deserve.

I thought it was the scammers that posted the pictures in I know you feel that you are doing the right thing by flaging them but I think it's dividing the community here at steemit. @craig-grant is a bit eccentric but I don't think that warrants the auto flag especially since they have been transparent.

I'm just trying to bring some civility to this situation that is all. The way the platform is built you have the right to try and flag them.