🐠@Helpie UPDATES🐠March 2019🐠

in helpie •  6 years ago  (edited)

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Greetings, Helpinauts and Steemians of all walks!

It's time for your monthly Helpie


Join me, @carrieallen, as I get you up to date on all the haps.

Old/On-going News

Last month we introduced new Helpie Hangout times. We are doing our best to focus on community engagement and we really love holding these hangouts. Join us if you can!


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Newish Updates to some On-going stuff-n-things

In last month's UPDATE we announced we'd be changing our upvoting process. Originally, we'd decided on a 10% upvote across the board. This seemed to work for a while, but soonly our VP was drained. We quickly switched everyone to 5% in hopes to get back up to something respectable. During this time we (the Witness Team and the Helpie community during Hangouts) discussed implementing a completely new upvoting system.

As with all new things, there may be some growing pains. That's where YOU come in! We need your feedback! Come to the meetings (times above). Give us your input. If you can't make it, tell us below or reach out to us in Discord.

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No more Auto-Upvotes

😱 What?! No! It cannot be! 😱
It's quite true. We've decided that we'd rather have @helpie focus on community interaction and engagement (and reward based on that), on and off the blockchain. One of the big ways we can potentially do this is to grow our Curator Community and use US to manually upvote with a larger percentage. This will have real-life eyes viewing posts and giving upvotes (and comments), rather than a just a bot. Another way we can reward engagement is through our brand new HELPIE token! More on both of these below!

We will be removing auto upvotes. We understand this may make some of you decide to undelegate, and that's fine. 😊 We want you to know, there will be absolutely no hard feelings. In fact, I just want to be completely transparent and always give plenty of time to you, my fabulous Helpies, to make your own decisions with no pressure in any way. We are, afterall, here to help. 😍 Feel free to reach out if you have questions or concerns.

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Helpiecake Curation Team

We recently started a secondary account to @helpie to give extra love out to ANYONE... not just Helpies. 😍 @helpiecake has been slowing growing and being used by our new curation team (also growing). We love the idea of spreading the cake around so much that we've decided to FOCUS on this initiative. We are looking for more curators to help find great content and give them the love they need!

We have new channels and bots set up in our private Helpie Discord server to make it super easy for you to submit posts to be Helpiecaked (yes, I've made it a verb). If you are someone who actively curates anyway, this may be the perfect little side job for you! Please reach out if it seems like something you are interested in and we'll see if it's a good fit. 😍

Our Current Helpiecake Bakers: @pennsif @foxyspirit @enginewitty @d-vine @darrenclaxton @katrina-ariel @blewitt @ilazramusic @futuremind @sunravelme @staceyjean @bflanagin @amberyooper @zipporah @paintingangels @isaria @meno @swelker101 @carrieallen @eonwarped @scrawly @veryspider @raoufwilly

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OMG! You guys! This is it! We have our own token on steem-engine! We truly are moving up in the world. 🤩

The Helpie Witness Team has been talking about a token since the possibility of a token...and we've finally gone and done it!

@meno, during yesterday's hangout, created and distributed the first of our HELPIE tokens (HLP).

The witness team will first have the ability to help distribute tokens to regular users. Once we establish usage rules we will potentially be allowing curators (Helpiecake bakers) to distribute as well. You can receive HELPIE tokens for participating on interactive posts on the blockchain, coming to meetings in Discord, curating, creating posts, interacting in the Discord channels, plus much more we've not even thought about!

Those users, in turn, can use those tokens to boost their efforts (upvote weight, trade for electronic prizes, etc.). This way, the auto-vote system gets replaced, and we support only those who are actively engaging with the community. Win-win-Win. 😎

We have not finalized a percentage of vote weight for each HELPIE token, but will soonly. We will also be creating a list of how many tokens are rewarded for which behaviors. Got an idea? Let us know! All of us are very excited to start down this path and our minds are open to just about anything. 😉

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How to access your HELPIE tokens

The easiest way to view, send and receive any steem-engine tokens is via the browser add-on called KEYCHAIN, created by Witness #1 on the STEEM blockchain, @yabapmatt.

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Not only are you able to easily deal with all your tokens, but KEYCHAIN stores multiple STEEM account passwords and keys for you. It's completely safe. No one, not even Matt, has access to your passwords. If you have any questions or concerns about the application feel free to reach out. Otherwise...

You can also access and do 'all the things' at Steem-Engine.com.😊

As always, if you find yourself in times of trouble... Just ask!


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Weekly Blogs - NOW HIRING!

Are you interested in authoring a weekly post for @helpie? We are looking to fill up the week with something deliciously new every day. These could be specified curation posts, game/interaction posts or anything that could be helpful, as that's kinda our thing. 😎

We are finalizing a payout structure that will reward authors for their time and skill. Are you in other groups who do this? What does their payout structure look like? Does it work? What do you think would work better?

Do reach out to us to get the ball rolling. We are all so excited for the upcoming changes!

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Technical Witnessy Updates

Nothing of note to report. It seems the Witness is running smoothly with no hitches in the giddyup.

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Helpie is an invite-only community. If you'd like to be considered to be a member of @helpie as a minnow in training, please consider joining Palnet / MSP and participating actively there, we have scouts constantly looking for the right minnows to support, and they will reach out with a private invitation.

Wanna reach out to us? @paintingangels is a scout.😍 You can find her in discord - paintingangels(serena)#3668. She'll be happy to answer any questions you may have about Helpie, and can give you the information you need in order to possibly join our community. And while we're at it.... find me in Discord! carrieallen#9415 😍


@carrieallen @eonwarped @isaria @meno @swelker101 @paintingangels


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YES! I support this notion to remove the autos 100%

It's been a looming thought of mine lately, just how many helpies are actuallly takies and that goes against everything we stand for! Time to clean the house 😉

PS. I'm so excited about helpie tokens I can barely contain myself 😍

Great news! It would encourage people to work more ;) and engage more!

Hi, no more tria questions?
I miss that.

Posted using Partiko Android

for the moment no... it kind of died down and we had very little engagement the last month we ran it.

I hope one day the return after more grown audience. :)

Glad to be a baker! I think this is a great initiative and will better encourage people.


How are your curators selected and how do we know they will do a fair job? We've seen problems on this front in other manual curation communities.

Right now they are picked by leadership from those with existing curation experience, or those we feel would make a fair judgement.

The curation channel will soon be open for any helpie member to see (soon), and feedback can also be given for that. @helpiecake also leaves a trail of what was selected as well. We will remove anyone that abuses their role to vote effortless content, though we don't really expect too many problems with that. We'll see how it plays out. There are a few guidelines I have in mind but there's nothing official.

Interesting, what about self votes or Curators voting on each others posts? I've seen that happen elsewhere

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah, definitely something to be on the lookout for. It will definitely happen just by nature of curators knowing each other but we will be looking to not be excessive with it. Self votes we do not allow. We hope that others in our community will also be watchful and call out such behavior.

I think it's a great idea to remove the auto votes, they were draining my own VP a bit too much as well. Even when I just followed the trail at like 4%.

With less upvotes in the future, I could set it to a higher percentage hopefully :)

Oh yeah tokens! I currently do 'all the things' on steem-engine.com! It's fun to do all the things!

I will try to make more meetings....you can always count on me for wacky wednesdays!

👌 all for the community...👍 Nice update....hope to see more users coming and be active at discord

Posted using Partiko Android

This is a good update for all helpienauts. I am looking forward to the new movement.

As usual this newbie is confused. So helpie token? Do you buy these like Steem or earn depending on quality? I understand the voting bots, that's cool, maybe I'll get a comment instead of an auto response, like this movement toward more community engagement.. Token thang waaay over my head as I haven't entered the "wallet" game on anything, I'm sure as soon as I print and download all the wallets for everything I lose it all, I figure I have a waaay better chance of securing my btc online even with all the hackers. The token sounds more like Steemitboard where there is a goal game of behavior? Will you send helpie tokens like in a transfer? thanks... I'll come over to discord to get clear... cool stuffs, thanks!

In theory one can buy them as long as someone wants to sell, there is a market. But tokens will be issued by us as well to reward various initiatives. The tokens don't require you to have anything other than a steem account, which you already have, rest assured :). We'll get you up to speed in discord for sure.

Cool, bro, I just checked out your foot massage post LOL!! Good on ya for the patience of it all, thanks for getting back to me, you rock!

Congrats on your token! And I love seeing the helpiecake on people's posts!